Chapter Sixteen - Captured

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Chapter Sixteen - Captured

I sighed, sliding into my chair at the head of the table. This has honestly been the longest and worst day I've ever had to face. My beautiful mate dies, and I can't even lay her to rest before her body was stolen.

"Did you get a good scent?" Cassie asked me, leaning forward towards me.

"No" I relied shaking my head, "But this isn't any usual wolf. Nothing I've smelt, or seen for that matter, before" I told them.

When I returned to the pack after talking to Jane Montgomery, I'd told them everything that had happened. To the Montgomery family being werewolves and both Zac and Ana been two halves of a Luna Figlia, and then the golden wolf fighting off Michael.

"I feel like we are missing an important detail" Lexi started, shaking her head as she sat back in her seat, deep in thought, "Why would the wolf fight off Michael and save Zac after he takes Ana's body? And why did it want the body?"

"Maybe in hope to harness the power?" Axel offered.

He got a few nods of agreements to his suggestion but I wasn't totally convinced on his idea.

"No, a wolf with those sort of skills will know that she was a twin and know that Zac would be the other half. If it really wanted the power it would of done its research and taken both of them" I told them.

"So, it'll come back for Zac, maybe it thought it was to dangerous to take Zac with you there" Cassie said, frowning at me, "Maybe we should put protection on Zac incase Haze or the wolf comes back" She stated.

"No, anyone that saw what happened will know that it won't be an easy task getting to Zac now that Montgomery's know what he's wanted dead. If it wanted him it would of tried to go for him the first time, but it only seemed interested in winning against Michael" I sighed, as my hands ran threw my hair with frustration.

"Yeah, for now. Think about it," Axel spoke up again, "if Haze is out of the way, getting to Zac will be a whole lot easier without the competition"

"We need to think of all the possibilities" Dylan spoke up, speaking for the first time since we entered the room.

"There are many possibilities Dyl" Cassie murmured to him.

"The question that keeps bugging me is why the locket was left behind? Why was it taken off Ana?" Lexi shook her head in wonder.

We all sat there for a moment in quiet, listening to each others heartbeats and breathing. While the others thought, my mind wondered off to Ana. Oh how I wish she was here with me now, I just really want her hug, to feel her warmth, see her blush a deep red, so beautiful.

"Ryan, you don't think..." Lexi trails off, shaking her head with a frown.

"What Lexi?" I asked, standing up and looking at her with hope.

She just shook her head, "What!" I probed again.

"What if the golden wolf is, well, is on our side?" She finally looked up at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, frowning.

"Why would it take Ana then?" Cassie questioned her.

"No. If it was on our side it wouldn't of just taken her. Good people don't do that" I snapped angrily.

They all looked up at me with sorrow filling their eyes, they all, one by one, looked down at the ground, not meeting my heavy gaze.

"You don't just take someone else's mate. Even if they're dead" I snapped.

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