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     Besides the Watering Hole, the Big Springs is also a really large water source in the Pride Lands. It's a large lake with many rocks dipped into the water from the sides. The water is very clear and filled to the brim with fish. There is also a large upheaval of mountainous grass attached to the side with additional rocks placed on top. It's also the home of Beshte and his family.

Other than Beshte, the Lion Guard watched through the water as fish began to eat off of Beshtes body.

"The thing is, the fish in here love eating the dirt and muck off of us hippos." The strongest member said with a huge grin on his face. "They even go for the food stuck in my teeth." And then represented as he dipped his open mouth in the water and the fish went in for a bite. Then, Beshtes father came up next to the guard.

"Hah! And when there's too many fish in the lake, the crocodiles will come and eat the fish. It's the circle of life at its finest."

While Fuli tends to stay away from water, Kion, Ono and Bunga decide to relax in the water. Ono was mainly keeping his focus on Bunga because lately, the smell has been bothering everyone, besides Kion. The Egret hoped that the fish would be able to give the smelly Honey badger a cleaning, but the smell was so bad, the fish would stay a couple feet away from him and everyone laughed.


Everyone heard a deep voice and when they all looked behind Bunga, approached a group of crocodiles with a large crocodile walking in front of them. He had swamp green scales, a dull green underbelly and had several bright green scales running along his back and a bunch of green spots. A few spots on his cheek in darker color than his underbelly and several darker green stripes on his tail.

"It has been many weeks. How are the fish today?" The crocodile asked kindly with a tired smile on his face. Basi smiled at him and before he answered him, he looked down at the fish and his face fell from a smile to a confused frown. Huh, I thought that there were way more fish before. Huh, guess I was just imagining things. Basi brushed it off and looked back up at Pua.

"There's definitely more than last time, Pua. But sadly, there's not enough for all of your crocodiles to eat. I'm confident that there will be enough next week." Basi answered.

"If that's the case, then that's how it'll be. Thank you." Pua said. Even though crocodiles are one of the largest, deadliest and most aggressive animals in Africa, Pua treated every single animal with all of the respect he has for them. Especially for Basi, these two have been friends for a long period of time and they are never afraid to share the same lake with each other. Pua then turned to his crocodiles.

"Move on, my friends. We'll eat somewhere else for the time being." Pua explained.


Kion heard another voice and watched as another large crocodile walked in front of the group. He had bright green scales and a light green underbelly. Several dark green scales running along his back and on his tail. Unlike Pua, his claws seem to be much smaller from what Kion had noticed.

"Pua. You said that we're gonna eat fish today." The crocodile stated. Pua looked at him with a soft expression.

"Makuu, Basi clearly said that there are not enough fish here. We'll just have to wait a little bit longer."

"We've waited long enough. Why are we taking orders from a hippo?"

"We're not taking any orders. It's the circle of life. And we respect it."

Makuu squinted his eyes at the leader of the crocs.

"Maybe you do." He responded and proceeded to walk past Pua and stare at the group of animals in the lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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