[thur-tee-nahyn] :: [kount-doun]

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There are less than four days until Gypsy gets onstage with 5sos and performs at MGM Grand.

"Heard someone could use some sugar in her life."

Gypsy snorts, sliding onto the stool in the kitchen. "Where'd you hear that?"

Katy shrugs. "A little birdie told me," she replies with a wink. "Whose name may and or may not rhyme with 'Red.'"

Gypsy laughs despite herself. It's nearly 11:30 that night. Gypsy has just raced from band practice to come home.

"Want me to walk you home?" Asked Luke.

"No," she replied. "Nope, no, nope. I'm fine," she'd said. "Really," and she forced a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I can make it on my own. I've done it before, right?"

Despite the good advice she'd received from Justin and Matty and everyone else who'd offered their two cents toward her relationships, she was far from ready to confront the elephant in the room.

"I think I should just be single," she admits to Katy as the older woman digs around and finds pots and pans in the kitchen.

"Hm," she replies, before holding up baking sheets and muffin pans. "Cookies or cupcakes?"


"Sweet," Katy nods. "And yeah," she snorts. "Good luck with that."

"What?" Gypsy exclaims. "I really think that's a good idea, you know? Like, just be by myself for a while. That way, everyone's happy, right? No one's got to choose and no one gets hurt."

Katy shrugs. "And that still doesn't sound like a good idea, but," she shrugs, "that's honestly none of my business."

"C'mon, Katy! I'm just being practical."

"Should I make some tea for us both to sip, or just me?"

Gypsy sighs, flicking flour. "You're being so extra."

Katy shrugs, singing over her shoulder, "Sounds like someone is afraid..."

"Afraid?!" Gypsy laughs. "What am I afraid of?"

"You can't be afraid of losing one of them," she says. "If they hate you after you've chosen, then they hate you and you move on," she shrugs. "That's life, and if someone's going to be spiteful after all this, then you shouldn't be giving them the time of day, anyway."

She pauses. "Chocolate, or vanilla?"

"Chocolate," Gypsy mutters.

All of this good advice is making her sick.

There are less than three days until Gypsy gets onstage with 5sos and performs at MGM Grand.

"Gypsy, cher...What happened?"

Gypsy has two hours before she's got to head out and practice with the boys.

She winces, pushing herself from bed as her grandmother holds up the ruined cashmere sweater they'd bought together in The Venetian.

Sissie holds out the creme fabric, eyebrows pinched together. "What did you do, Gyps?"

"Grandma, it's Luke's fault," she replies. "Blame him."

"Luke?" She places her hands on her hips. "Not my Luke."

"He pushed me into the pool a few days ago," she says. "Sweater included."

"Luke," she mutters, tossing the sweater upon Gypsy's desk and dumping the laundry she's just washed and dried upon her bed. "You know, he's lucky he's my favorite or else," and she wags a finger towards her granddaughter. "And you best tell him I said that, too."

charming :: [5sos|1d]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя