[fohr]:: [sahy-muhl-tey-nee-uhs]

716 31 9

~dedicated to cathartics becuase seriousy, aesthetics~

The local time in Sydney is seventeen hours ahead of Vegas.

So, Calum is writing songs as Gypsy sits down for lunch.

He's got lyrics floating in his brain and his pen is scribbling furiously against his notebook, bass guitar in his lap while she'slaughing because it's the weekend and she doesn't have to work the desk since Demi's doing that for her, instead.

Calum has one song down and he's got the hook of another.

The boys have been working on new material-their fan base is growing locally and they want new songs to perform because at this point, they need them, and Calum would be extremely excited had he not felt this nagging pain in his heart every time Gypsy's name is mentioned, or every time he picks through the band shirts of his that she used to wear or every time he swears he hears her laughter in the air although that's just preposterous because she's in Las Vegas, Nevada and he's around the world in Sydney, Australia.

Lately, Calum has more than a few reason to write.

Lately, Gypsy has had less than a few reasons to smile, or so she thinks-so it's actually nice as she sits in the kitchen with Ed and Harry, who both get on tremendously. It's nice because it seems as though there's no one Harry doesn't seem to get on with tremendously. It's nice because Ed has made eggs for the continental breakfast buffet that's ended hours ago, but for her he whips up waffles with strawberries although it's lunch time and he's already started on the burger bar he'll soon set up for dinner.

Gypsy really likes Ed and Harry, and she feels even better when Francisco waltzes into the kitchen all sweaty and wearing a very loose-fitting tank top and jeans.

Calum is writing and Gypsy is eating.

Calum is slightly frowning and Gypsy is actually laughing.

Ashton is writing and Gypsy is shopping.

Ashton is working on Gypsy's list though, and with the help of Michael and Luke, the boys are coming up with pure gold.

Well, they're working on it.

Things could be better.

"She should go on a panty raid, yeah?" Michael suggests. "Huh, boys? Huh? That'd be-"

"Creepy," Luke interrupts. "This is for Gypsy, remember?"

"Yeah, nope," Ashton says, shaking his head. "No, no; terrible idea-you've been bad. Boo."

"We're trying to get her to try new stuff, are we not?" Michael asks. He's just died his hair green this morning. "Stealing other girl's panties is new and it's pretty damn exciting if you ask me."

Luke's eyebrow is raised and he's poorly fighting a laugh. "You can't think that's a good idea."

Ashton taps his pen against the notebook in front of him. "While Mike does make a good point," he says to Luke, "we're still overruling you because really?" He squints his eyes and motions with his shoulders, "Really?"

Ashton is writing as Gypsy wanders through the Grand Canal Shoppes of The Venetian beside her grandmother.

"We haven't shopped together in a while, Gyps," Sissie exclaims, as they pass Christian Louboutin and Burberry and 7 for all Mankind. "What do you want?" She presses. "What do you need?"

Gypsy wants nothing more than her dirty Vans and jean shorts and crop tops. "I don't really know, Grandma," she replies honestly. She isn't much of a shopper, and she isn't big on name brands, either. In fact, most of the shorts she wears, she's fit since since 8th Grade, and she's probably had her sneakers for just as long. Her shirts...well, she kind of likes stealing shirts-she's got the cute stuff from her cousins and the formal stuff from her mom and the comfortable stuff from Cal.

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