Chapter Two: Sporix Unleashed

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Gavin POV

Zayto, Ollie, Amelia and I were outside of the base, as we trained with Zayto. Because I already have the necessary training before, I had to make sure I don't make it obvious.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Zayto shouted, but ducked, as Amelia almost hits him. I stood next to Amelia.

"Sorry, I keep doing that." Amelia said.

"Let's go again, we need to get the Morphin' Sequence right." Zayto said. "We can't afford mistakes."

"It's Morphin Time!" Zayto shouted, as we pressed on our Morphers. We got our our Dino Fury Keys. "Dino Fury Key!" He shouted, but Ollie accidentally drops his, and Zayto caught it.

"I was just testing your reflexes." Ollie said.

Zayto nodded and hummed, as he gave Ollie his key back. "Again." He said.

"Dino Fury Key!" Zayto shouted, as we got it right. "Activate!" He shouted, and we place our Keys into our Morphers.

"Link to the Morphin' Grid!" We shouted, as we spun our Key, and Morphed.

"Dino Fury Power!"

"Nice work, especially you Gavin. No mistakes at all." Zayto said.

"Thanks." I said.

"So, Eight Statues, only four of us?" Ollie questioned.

"Do you have the other Dino Fury Keys?" Amelia asked.

"Can we recruit more Rangers?" I asked.

"Can we?" Ollie asked.

"The other Keys were lost, with the original Rangers." Zayto said. "So, it's just us. Let's move on to Boost Keys." He said, as he got out a key. "We have many, each one gives us a special ability." He said, as we look at the Key.

"Sounds cool." Amelia said.

"They're kinda like power-ups in a video game." Ollie said.

"They can definitely help us in battles." I said.

"Love it." Amelia said.

Zayto's Morpher beeped. "Go ahead, Solon." He said.

"There's something you need to see." Solon said.

"We're on our way." Zayto said.

We de-morphed.

"Remember to teleport, you turn the ring then push the button." Zayto said, and he teleports.

We did the same thing, and teleport to the base.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

We appeared in the base.

"Gotta get used to that." Amelia said. "Making you weak in the knees too?" She asked.

"No, just really nauseous." Ollie said.

"You'll get use to it." I said, remembering all that time, I had to teleport when I was Avatar Gavin.

"I just got our systems back online." Solon said. "No one can get into the base, but us." She said. "And I put the T-Rex Champion Zord on standby."

"T-Rex Champion?" Amelia asked. "That sounds awesome! Who names these Zords?" She asked.

"Anyway..." Solon said. "AS I was cleaning up, I found this." She said, as she held up Void Knight's Scanner.

"Hey, that's Void Knight's Scanner." Ollie said.

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