Baby Baby Baby

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"I think I'm pregnant."

Zuko's head snapped up when he heard the whispered confession. He felt a million emotions at once but mostly confusion.

"Why would you think that?"

"My ankles are swollen, my chest is sensitive, I feel so emotional, and my tummy is extra fluffy these days, look! I think I felt a kick!"

Zuko's face went blank.

"Say something."

"Sokka, I'm pretty sure you're not having a baby."

Sokka glared at his friend, and stomped his foot in a childish manner.

"And where do you suppose THIS came from then? Hmm?!" Sokka pinched his little tummy fat and raised an accusatory brow at his friend.

Zuko was sick of this shit.

A knock at the door interrupted the stare down between the best of homies.

"y/n, by chance, do you have a pregnancy test?"

Y/n froze and stared at her friend and sugar daddy (you decide who is who)

"...Zuko, you know about the baby?"

"Don't play along with his stupid games, please, I'm exhausted." Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose, his pretty face twisting in frustration.

"I- I didn't know you would be so upset. I should have told you before." Y/n sighed.

Sokka rubbed his tummy with all of the love and attentiveness of a new mother.

"Y/n, do you mean that-" Sokka spoke, wonder in his voice as his hands tried to find the outline of his developing fetus.

"You mean to say that-" Zuko looked up, gazing at Sokka with newfound wonder and amazement.

"Yeah, I know it's unexpected and a little unconventional but-"

"I'm pregnant." Y/n and Sokka announced in unison.

Sokka's words processed in Y/n's ear and she quickly whipped her head to the side in shock.

"WHAT?" The three friends shout.


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