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Modern AU

As if that matters because I don't even describe environments.

"All I'm saying is that if she can wear a skirt, then why can't we?" Sokka pointed his finger at Y/n from across the park. She wore a pink crop top and a black skater and pink heels to match her top and bag. 

"No, I see what you're saying, but what I'm saying is I don't want to wear a skirt like that, I want to wear one that covers my ankles." Zuko shyly kicked at little pebbles as he and Sokka walked around. 

"What? What's the deal with your ankles, Zuzu?"

"Please don't call me that ever again," Zuko frowned.


"It's nothing, I just don't like when wenches gaze lustfully at my ankles, you know? I feel like they're projecting their weird sexual desires onto my body." He fiddled with a red scrunchie on his wrist.

"Wh- So you know we're like... not in the 17th century right?"

"Look, ankles were hidden for a reason. I don't care if people run around here showing their navels and nips but I will not. I WILL NOT be a piece of cheap ankle that whores can-"

"OKAY, oh my god, I get it. Long skirt, no ankles." Sokka sighed.

Y/n approached, jogging happily in her little heels, now covered in dog shit and goose poop. Aww <3

"Hey guys!"

"Zuko thinks you're a slut because your ankles are out and also wants to borrow one of your less modest skirts. I would like to borrow the one that you're wearing." Sokka blurted out. Zuko felt his face turning red. 

"Y/n, I-" Zuko tried to defend himself. 

She raised a hand. 

"I'll wear socks and crocs next time, but let's see what we can do about the skirts, yeah? I'll let you borrow some makeup too, let's go home, boys!"


Pretty men in pretty clothes got my heart beating so fast. 100% writing to entertain myself but if you stumble upon this, just know that clothes are not gendered. Wear what you want and don't be afraid to experiment and ask for support. Unless you're a whore and show your ankles. Then you will be slut shamed by an angsty firebender. 

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