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I- look it's late and my mind is in crackhead hours so go with it 😂😂Enjoy.

"Kisses like sparks igniting my fire," Sokka laughed so hard that his eyes watered and he doubled over in pain. "This is great!"

"Katara, you have to read this! It's gotta be a page from some kind of love story!"

Katara reached for the paper with amusement in her eyes until she recognized the handwriting.

"Where's y/n?"

"She went for a walk," Sokka pointed to a line of trees where the sound of a distant waterfall could be heard.

"I'm gonna-uh, show this to y/n, she'll love it!" Katara awkwardly rushed in the direction of her friend.

She found y/n sitting on a boulder with a paper and a quill in her hand.

"Kisses like sparks, huh?" Katara said quietly as she wat in the sand next to y/n.

"What are you talking about?" Y/n couldn't hide the horror in her voice.

"Sokka found this," Katara handed the paper to y/n who groaned and cursed herself for being irresponsible with her passionate expressions.

"I can explain-"

"There you are, I've been looking for y-oh," Zuko came walking in the opposite direction. He abruptly halted when he saw Katara.

"Err, this isn't the right time."
He turned on his heels and started away.

"Zuko, wait," y/n sighed. "She deserves to know."

"What's going on?" Katara cautiously inquired.

Y/n and Zuko exchanged glances. Both face hot with embarrassment.

"Zuko and I started our poetry club... except he and I are the only members, and we usually end each meeting with a kiss... or something." Y/n confessed.

"You didn't have to tell her that much," Zuko crossed his arms, his hair falling awkwardly over his face.

Katara's mouth fell open.

"A poetry club... Where you, the only two members... and you kiss after the meeting?" Katara raised a brow.

"That sounds an awful lot like a relationship."

Neither of the sensitive artists speaks up. The pink blush taking over their faces is loud enough. Katara continues. 

"How long has this been going on?"

"A few weeks," Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose. "Maybe a little longer."

Katara was shocked.

"I know it's weird, but he and I have bonded over this... I care about it a lot."

"Y/n, this is awkward and uncomfortable for all of us," Katara brushed the sand off her clothes.

"I won't tell the others, please hide your writing better next time."

I wrote this as a joke but I low-key love this idea so here.

Note: Hello? It's me. I'm too old for this but I'm back because this made me laugh so hard. I edited the spelling errors. I'm lowkey down to keep posting absolute nonsense so hey besties <3 When I'm famous, everyone deny that this is me, okay? Okay. Thanks.

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