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Many people say that destiny finds you, I say you find your destiny. And my destiny was named Corbin Bloom.

I've always been different. This story couldn't happen to anyone normal.
Maybe if my dad didn't go crazy after my mom died I could be normal.
Maybe if my mom didn't die I could be normal. Maybe if I didn't kill my mom during child birth I could be normal—

But even then—

I don't think I'm capable of being normal—But at least I could always fake it.

For a long time I could fake it—

My dad was exceedingly interested in my life ever since I could remember. I got a phone for my 15th birthday and I was allowed an hour on a cellphone a day with strict supervision and the rest of the time was supposed to be spent academically. Anytime I wasn't with my father I was at school.

Somehow I made a friend—my only friend—Stella.

Finally for my sixteenth birthday I convinced my dad to let me have a sleepover with Stella as a present for earning my drivers' license. I used the opportunity to have her buy me a phone and a plan that I would pay back.

It was the beginning of my fall into the dark.

That night Stella showed me my first Disney movie. It was loud and colorful. None of the shows and movies I had been allowed to watch looked anything like them. They had singing and dancing. They had laughter and smiles. They were... perfect.

That was the moment I chose my destiny. He was tall and blonde. He had naturally blood pigmented lips. And his eyes were teal like a busy sea. He was a storm and I had to have him.
"Stella, who's that?" I asked. She looked dreamily at the screen.
"Corbin Bloom."

I watched anything I could get my hands on with Corbin bloom in it. I spent hours scouring the internet like a vulture. Anything I could find on the internet was a treasure. My new phone was instrumental in accumulating gigabytes of information on Corbin bloom. Somehow it still wasn't enough. I needed more of him.

For a year I hid my phone and my growing infatuation with the actor from my parents. I earned better grades than I ever had before. I was more agreeable than ever. My dad had no idea the world that was growing in my mind.

And then the last day of school my junior year the principal announced that we would be getting an addition to the student body in the upcoming school year—Corbin Bloom.

And like that, my fate was sealed.

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