That Crazy Kid Punched Me

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He changed his schedule a total of six times by Friday. And by the end of the day I always had the same schedule.

I was grateful he did it too because there weren't many that cared enough to switch their schedules at Corbin's slightest whim.

But lucky for us, I don't give up easily, especially when it was someone I needed. Also lucky, especially for me, was the fact that he loved music enough to put guitar into his schedule. My dad always thought I was obsessed with guitar because I loved music, to me it was a way to be closer to him. I think he was surprised when he spotted me in the advanced guitar class though, but all of the hubbub was now calming down. It was the end of the day on friday, and I had managed to keep the same schedule as him.

I sighed as I closed my precalculus textbook and headed towards the door. I was so tired from all of my schedule switch ups I didn't even notice the big bulky frame of Kartright until I was plowing into him. I bounced off, and hit the floor with a loud bang. My face instantly turned red.

Kartright had been with me through every grade, like a dark shadow. He was tall, on the football team, and all of the other girls thought he was hot. But I knew Kartright, and nothing about him was anything but detestable.
"I told you last year you need glasses, and besides you're such a nerd it'll compliment your appearance," his dark voice sneered as I rapidly tried to stack my books together.
"Nothing to say? What, were you too busy burrowing holes in the back of Corbin's head to notice where you were walking," he taunted.
"Shut up!" I snapped, my fist balling around a fly away note paper.
Kartright bent down so that his face was inches from mine.
"Or what?" He grinned menacingly.
"Leave her be," my heart stopped. It was Corbin, I could smell his cologne mingled in the air. Oh no.
Kartright stood up and stepped forwards, I turned around just in time to see Corbin standing behind me.
"What did you say pretty boy?" Kartright spat.
"You should know better than to pick on a girl half your size," Corbin retorted. "Maybe you're the one who needs glasses."
I got there just in time.
I shoved myself in between Kartright and Corbin letting Kartright's fist plow into my cheek.
The world spun as I felt the warmth of hands on my shoulders. My eyes looked up at Corbin, he was eyeing Kartright scathingly.
There was now a group forming around us, as confusion and disgust mingled on Corbin's face.
"You really don't know better, do you?" I could see the muscles in his jaw clench.
Without a second thought I wrapped my arms around Corbin, waiting for Kartright to hit me again.
It was worth it. It was worth it.
"What's going on here?" The teacher boomed over the classroom.
"I'll come back, I'm taking her to the nurse's," Corbin stated and scooped me into his arms. I could feel my heart pounding, my arms still wrapped tightly around his neck.
"Why'd you do that?" He fumed stepping down the hall.
"You know why," I said quietly. His beautiful flowery smell intermingled with the fog in my mind as I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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