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The first day of senior year was a quiet day.  At 7:30am I wedged myself up into a tree so I could watch Corbin walk into school at 8:30am. I made the right decision too. Everyone else came at 8:00 and no one could see him through the crowd.
It was odd seeing him crowded with people. In the movies he was always with a few friends or alone. He was always falling in love. He was never navigating through cameras and questions to class.
"Ophelia get down!" I was torn from my thoughts as I heard the familiar voice of my principal loudly from the ground. I rolled my eyes and leapt down.

Corbin wasn't in my morning classes so I had to figure out his schedule from other people. From the process of elimination I had the last two classes of the day with him. I used my lunch period to go to the student councelor and switch my schedule to match his. Of course everyone else would do this after school, but I couldn't chance not being in every class with him.

English literature was the first class period I had with him. I watched him scribble down notes and try to avoid onlookers' eye contact. His hand moved energetically across the page. I laid my head down on my arms to watch him write.
I smiled as I watched him pull out a small notebook. I recognized it immediately.

Corbin loved writing.

And reading.

He stuffed the small notebook away swiftly and continued writing class notes feverishly. He was effortlessly dazzling. He looked like he just walked off of an old western set or maybe a run way. No one knew the oldies like he and I did.

No one cared about fashion like he and I did.

He was just like me.

We were made for each other.

He was mine and I'd do anything for us to be together.

After English class he and I had history.

As the bell rang Corbin pulled out his notebooks again and began copying down the class schedule off of the board. Everything he did was mechanical. He had schedules and most annoyingly, he was patient with his words so there was so much more to learn about him. I pulled my hood up, balanced my head's weight on my wrists, then let out a breathless sigh. He was art.

He was completely absorbed.

His hair fell around his face.

His jaw clenched.

I had to have a solid plan for how we would have our first meeting. There were so many seemingly coincidental ways to ensure meeting but I needed the one that would persuade him to get to know me—to trust me—to love me.

As the bell rang I slowly slid off of my seat and made my way towards Corbin. Through the small sea that was already forming around him I maneuvered my way through until I was able to see a section of his golden hair glistening in the tinny classroom lights.

I inhaled.

Flowers and spring bled through the swarm of people.

I reached a hand through the crowd and tucked one of my notebooks under one of his. I retracted my hand as he reached towards the stack of his belongings. He slid the whole group of books into his backpack without a second glance.

I felt an elbow in between my ribs. I gasped in pain and looked up at the offender's face but they were completely focused on Corbin.

Is that what I looked like?

Through the crevice between students Corbin's green blue ocean eyes found me. I could feel them before I saw them. His blonde hair was a mess in front of him and his round lips parted in a wide grin. He was perfect.

I grinned back.

He blinked.

I raced towards the door with the pound of blood in my ears. He was the only man for me; all I needed was a way for him to be mine.

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