Warm to the touch

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His body was coiled around mine.

His lips were millimeters from mine.

His eyes were blazing with loyalty.

He was mine.

My alarm interrupted my dream.

It was officially Tuesday; the second day Corbin was a student in my school.

I got ready as fast as I could and biked to school.

This time I made sure that it would be impossible for the principal to see me in the tree. I looked down at my watch. It was 7:30am. I had another hour until he was going to show up. I sat back on the angled branch I was sitting in to pull out a small notebook from my pocket.

I smiled.

If only he knew we both wrote.

But no one knew I wrote—especially not my dad.

"Hey," a voice bellowed. I subconsciously jumped, causing my weight to shift and me to fall.

I closed my eyes waiting for the crunch of my bones on the ground.
But the ground never came
"I wondered if you'd do it again," I opened my eyes ever so slowly. Sea breeze eyes stared back at me. The green blue that filled every waking thought in my mind. He smelled so fresh and new.
"Do you have a new scent for the new school year?" I stated.
He blinked and then furrowed his brows.
"It is a new scent," he said slowly.
"Good pick, it matches the mood," I said, letting my hands wrap around his neck. "Nice catch." I smiled.
He froze, and then smiled back.
"Liking the view?" he asked. His teeth were a perfect white.
"Always," I stated.
He laughed and set me down on my feet. Then he bent down to pick up something fallen on the ground.

I'm horror I realized what it was a second too late. His eyes scoured the content.
"So you figured out my schedule through elimination, I thought you'd have asked the others," he laughed. My hand reached out and snatched the small book from his hand.
"I figured it out by 11:30, thank you very much, so if anything, they copied me," I snapped. He laughed again, he was jovial. Too jovial.
"You're very honest, aren't you?" He smiled yet again exposing his beautiful teeth. His lips were so perfect.
"I guess I shouldn't switch my schedule again then," he added.
"I don't care, you do you," I shrugged stuffing my notebook back in my bag.
"What will you do then?" His voice was like velvet.
"Figure it out by 11:30am. We've got the whole week to tweak our schedules, I don't mind a switch up," I shrugged. He stepped forward.
I smiled, glad that the distance between us was shortening.
"Why 11:30?" He took another step towards me. My heart thudded against my rib cage as if it was trying to grab at him.
"My lunch period," I said, noticing my voice sounded breathless. He chuckled.
I cleared my throat.
"Why are you here early?" I asked, a bit peeved.
"Avoid the crowd," he said.
"Smart," I said. "Although they'll figure it out again today," I said.
"Well then, I'll have to keep them on their toes," he smiled conclusively. "Speaking of which, I think I'll head to the school now," he said, looking off towards the large building. My heart shattered.
"Anyone given you a tour yet?" I asked.
"Too many, I'm afraid. Well, I'll see you around," he smiled one more dazzling smile and then he made his way across the lawn.

Within seconds I was back up the tree, shoved into my nook. I sighed as I watched his frame disappear through the front doors.

If it were possible, I was more obsessed with him than ever before. No movie came close to his natural charm.

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