3. We'll always be here

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You got something to say?
Well, no one here cares,
So pack all of your feelings
And get out of our hair

We will interfere
With all your life affairs
But if you need some help
We'll just sit and stare

Why did you ever think
That life could be fair?
That's on you, you dumbass
Blame us? Don't you dare.

We'll always be here
To judge all that you do
Not because we care
Not about you

We'll always be here
To see you make bad choices
Then judge you for a long time after
In your head, we'll be the voices

Look we're here for you
Come on, share all your sorrow
We'll sympathise, then we'll forget it
We won't remember, by tomorrow

Oh, you have stuff to get off your chest?
Sure, we'll listen and show fake affection
But if you go against our idiotic opinions
Be ready to face total rejection

Because we'll always be here
To sit, gossip and stare
But us actually understanding you
Well that's rarer than rare

Poems by Yours Truly.Where stories live. Discover now