7. eldest daughter syndrome

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The weather's nice up here,

The view is spectacular, high up on my pedestal

The tightrope i dance on everyday 

Must keep you entertained until you've had your fill

The noise of my voice 

The stillness of my heart 

Fell upon deaf ears because I can handle this 

All on my own, I'm just that smart 

When I fell, I crumbled to pieces 

Wherever went the wind, so did I 

But you only see the remains floating 

It couldn't possibly be tiring to be able to fly 

A pretty mind and a pretty face 

Along with strong shoulders that can hold

Many a responsibility, duties galore

I wouldn't dare ignore them, I would never be so bold

Student, sister, daughter, parent to my parents 

What I fun life I get to live! 

Everytime I open my mouth I ask for the world 

But in return, it's absolutely nothing I give 

I just sit on my lazy ass all day, 

Cherry and bubbly, oh so happy inside and out! 

Because if I truly struggled with anything,

Why has no one ever seen me pout? 

Each time I hit the ground 

It isn't my own self that I've hurt 

It's every person who loves me, who's in true pain

Everytime I hit the dirt 

Dancing on the thinnest of ice, 

Trying not to set off a ticking nuclear bomb

I'm just the worst person to ever exist, the worst of disappointments 

Just because I don't wanna sing a fucking psalm 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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