My thoughts on Alphablocks

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honestly alphablocks is kind of weird so im going to go and list my thoughts on the characters despite the fact i never watched the show

A: she's okay i think she needs to improve a bit
B: she's also okay
C: oh crikey
D: he's fine
E: hes soso
F: she needs more vocabulary + she floats
G: graess
H: okay
J: why is he a bird
K: meh
L: ratio
M: fine
N: tangerine
O: OoOOOooOooO0oo0o0O0oOoOoO
P: no thoughts only pop
Q: no
R: i love her
S: she can float
T: he's british
U: he's cool
V: vroom vroom
W: he's kind of nice
X: i don't like him
Y: no thoughts
Z: i don't think he has any significance in the show

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