Season 2 Episode 1:Ever wonder what it's like to drown?

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The wood screeched as it was scraped,grating on her ears.

But despite that,Jinx found it too quiet. Too lonely. She kept going though, shaping the driftfood she found into a shape of a wolf. It wasn't quite as clean as the burial masks they used topside,but she was sure Silco wouldn't mind.

She swallowed. Wouldn't have minded. She couldn't hear him. It had been days since he died and he hadn't become a voice in her head. She rapidly blinked the tears away as she got up.
Caitlyn fiddled with her gloves as the line at her mother's coffin kept moving. She took a few deep breaths. God forbid she ruins her makeup by crying,right?
She disguised her bitter laugh as a cough. The first thing most of these people said was congratulations to her father for how well he organized the funeral. Condolences only came after a few minutes of polite small talk. She felt like vomiting as she finally got to the open coffin.
"Hey,I know this isn't exactly your thing,but I made ya a little something." Jinx said standing in front of Silco's corpse,gripping the mask in her hands.
No response. As expected.

"Ta dah." she said,voice cracking as she showed him the mask. "I know it's not perfect,but at least I tried.", she said,tying it around his head. She slowly moved away,running her hand over her hair. She weakly chuckled" I showed them.I showed them all." she said,her laughs becoming sobs as she collapsed onto the floor clinging onto the chair.
"They did a good job making the body look presentable." Caitlyn thought as she looked at it. Nothing like the visceral sight she saw as she ran into the council building. Like her mother died in her sleep, not in a giant explosion.

She adjusted her mother's mask. A lamb. Inaccurate as far as Cait was concerned. Cassandra was far too busy a woman to not want to finish her affairs before death. As far as she was concerned,work was never done.
As Cait took a white rose and put it into her mothers hand,she let a few tear slip down her face. "I'll make you proud.I promise." she mouthed, as she closed the coffin.

She covered her face with the veil, keeping her sobs down as the undertakers carried her mother away. She'll make good on that.
Jinx found it fitting. This was where Silco was reborn, this was where she became who she is now. It only made sense this is where they'd say their farewells.
She took her time with the rope. Every second she had left was precious. Still, time cruelly ticked on, until finally, the last straw of the rope was cut, splashing into the river Pilt.

Jinx made sure to close Silco's good eye as she submerged him. He deserved a dignified exit. A ceremonious funeral and a strong daughter who wouldn't cry. That's what he deserved. It took everything she had in her not to sob though, as she let him float downwards.
Still, she broke, embracing herself in his place. It was her nature to jinx everything after all. Why should this be any different?


"Listen people,I've had a really shitty week,so If your new leader doesn't give me a fight,I am blowing this place to kingdom come!"Jinx yelled in the middle of the Firelights base, finger ready to pull the pin,just in case any of those little misfits had any ideas of her not being serious.

"Don't even-Jinx !?"Ekko said,stopping in his tracks as those blue braids came into view.

Her shoulders tensed,though not for long,relaxing as she chuckled ,turning towards him. "Missed me,Boy Saviour?"
Ekko's blood froze. Shimmer. "You were suppose to be dead." he muttered. She laughed again.

"Makes two of us."
"You'll explain this."
"We'll see about that."

Ekko didn't respond to that,walking over to her.
"On three?"she asked with a saccharine sweet smile.
Ekko's face scrunched. Behind her he could see Scar ready to shoot her. He lifted his hand,making him put it down.
"On three." He agreed.
Her face split into a grin. She bit her lip as she walked away from him.

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