Season2Episode 4:The enemy of my enemy is..

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Caitlyn stared at the sheriff uniform folded neatly on her bed.She had only unpacked it out of the packaging since breakfast and hesitated to do much more since.Breakfast was three hours ago..

Janna,she's been standing here for three hours.Maybe Vi was right.She really did need a-


Of all the people that had to walk in..She put on her best soothing smile.

"Ren.Sorry,sweetheart,didn't see you there.Do you need anything?Missed the barhroom again?"

The little girl shook her head.

"No.Your dad and Vi just wanted me to check if you were doing that thing again."
"What thing?"
"The one where you mutter things and mess up the whole room."

Cait nervously chuckled.

"That is what we in the buisness call investigating."
"Seems tiring."
"Yeah,well..Such is life."

Ren nodded,swinging on her tippy toes.However,she didn't leave,deciding to just stand there awkwardly.Cait sighed.

"Ren I told you before.The dogs won't maul you."
"It's not that.I just..Can I look at it?"
"The uniform..I saw it arrive and you didn't even let me see."

Cait hesitated for a moment.There was a semi good reason she locked herself in here.Because,while objectively she understood it wasn't Marcus's old uniform,she still expected to see the blood stains.

And Ren..He was probably in his uniform when he saw her for the last time.

And if Caitlyn refused to throw away the dress her mother died in for almost a week,she didn't even want to imagine what it would do to Ren to look at those clothes again.

On the other hand,it wasn't her place to police other people's grieving processes.So,with a heavy heart Caitlyn stepped aside and let the little girl pass her.

And just like she thought,a sob caught in Ren's throat.

When Cait turned back to her,the little girl was composed.Tears were rimming her eyes but they weren't streaming down her cheeks.She was trying to smile but it was shaky and unconvincing.

"It's a bit smaller than I remember."
"Yeah..Well,it isn't his..This one's mine.."
"And what would his look like if you got it?"

Caitlyn walked over to her,arms crossed and steps small.She stared at Ren for a bit more,but her cheeks were still dry.So,Cait turned to the uniform and started pointing.

First,the right sleeve.

"This sleeve wouldn't be here and the entire right side would be blood stained.And as you said,it'd be too big for me."
"Vi told me it was a bridge explosion."
"It was.He just..Didn't get caught in the center of it.Still in the blast radius though."
"Didn't Vi.."

Ren shook her head.Caitlyn wanted to scowl but Ren was still there.She wanted to be mad at Vi.Why shouldn't the child know?Why would Vi lie?It wouldn't do anyone any harm.

Even if Jinx did deserve harm.And a lot of it.

But Cait realized something.Or realized it again,she supposed.Perhaps something she'd never stop having to realize.

Jinx,the criminal,the murderer,the apple of the eye of the king of Zaun,was still a child in Vi's eyes.No matter what she did,Vi would still want to protect her,even if she understood what her sister had done.

And if Caitlyn wanted to keep Vi in her life,she'd have to keep any bloodlust towards Jinx to herself.

Bloodlust!?No,no,no..She doesn't want Jinx dead.She wants her arrested.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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