Season 2 Episode 3:Blooming in the cracks

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Vi sighed,standing in front of Vander's statue,hood pushed onto her head to protect her from the pouring rain.She kicked at the pavement,looking at her feet.

She didn't have to do this.Cait had gotten a better sleeping schedule.Not good,but better.But she was still gonna do it.Which is why she was here.

"Hey..Long time no see."

The statue of course,didn't speak.

"Look,Vander,I tried.I tried to bring her back.I tried to take care of her,but I was arrested and well..That's kinda hard to do from prison."Vi said with a wet chuckle.

The silence was damming,judging her for such a poor excuse.

"I wanted to help her,but I just..I just made it worse.Nothing new there,huh?"


"So,maybe the best thing I can do is just leave her alone.And that's kinda why I'm here.I've found someone else who I can help without ruining everything.She's an enforcer."

And as if on cue,thunder rang out,lightning lighting Vander's face into a scowl.

"I know,but she got me out of jail and she.."Vi paused,taking a breath"She saved my life.She's been running herself ragged and I owe her.And I have to make it up to her,so I figured I could become an enforcer."

Another lightning strike.

"Temporarily.Besides,there's no way I could fuck that up,punching things and all that.Kinda my specialty,you know?"

The thunder quieted.Vi stood silent for a couple moments,looking around,waiting for the noise to start up again.Silence.She took that as permission to continue.

"Right.So,just to be clear..It's alright with you?"

It was quiet still.Vi smiled with a tiny nod.


Vi began to walk away,but paused.This was the first time she had come to the statue.Before the explosion she was too busy,afterward she had to keep her head down.She might as well hang around a bit.

The brawler turned back around,pulling Vander's pipe out of her pocket and placing it on the outer rim of the fountain.

That didn't seem like enough though.Vi looked around for something,anything else she could put,when she noticed a screwdriver on the ground.

She took it and pondered for a moment or two what to do with it.Then it occurred to her.

She began to carve her name into the fountain,right next to where Ekko's name was.

Just as she was bout to finish,she noticed something.Blurry red and green spots in the distance,probably some new neon signs or something like that.But,more that Vi squinted the closer the lights seem to be to eachother.That didn't really make sense.

Another lightning strike came,the suddenness of it startling Vi so much it made her drop the screwdriver as she fell forward into the water.

It kept thundering as she got up,lightning after lightning bathing everything in a blinking white light.Including the spots she saw earlier.Vi's blood ran cold.

The red spots were eyes,the green ones chemtech tanks.Both were on a giant wolf,arms way too beefy for an animal,teeth barred like an invitation for a fight.Vi knew better than to accept that.However her legs didn't have any such common sense,feet seemingly glued to the floor.The wolf growled and Vi could only stand there,in fearful shock.The wolf's eyes seemed to widen for a moment,teeth slightly less bared now.Growling,it lowered onto its front legs and walked away,knocking over a trash can as it left.

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