CHAPTER SIX : 'blackout'

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The day started normally, greeted by many people in the hallways, third wheels her best friend and her boyfriend.

Chae-Young had a free period, she decided to swing by the school pool to admire her school crush. She had been checking this guy out since the start of her 16th birthday. Chae-Young was always pushed to ask him out, but she never had the guts to. At least that's what she told people. She liked him, but she wanted her first boyfriend to be someone special.

She sat down on a bench nearby where he was doing his laps, Chae-Young pretended as if she hadn't seen him. That's until a boy that looked about one year younger than everyone there, stepped out of the pool.

He's tried towards Chae-Young catching the boy of Chae-Young's dreams attention.

"Hey beautiful, want to come for a dip in the pool?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh actually I was just doing my essa-"

Before Chae-Young could say anything more, a cold veiny hand dragged her up by the wrist. Pulling her towards the pool. Chae-Young tried to resist but his strength was unmatched.

A large silhouette raised out of the water jogging towards the pair.

Another hand gripped onto her other wrist. Chae-Young turned to reveal her crush, she went a rosy red. Taewoo, her crush, stepped infront of her and took the other boys hand off of her.

"What are you doing asshole" the younger boy scoffed, pushing Taewoo away, and again, and pushed him for the third time.

Taewoo was fed up and with force gripped onto his arm and torso throwing him into the pool. But little did he know the boy was still holding onto Chae-Young, pulling her, fully clothed, in.

Chae-Young couldn't swim.

She sunk.

Looking up at the bodies crowding around.


Makeup slowly removed raising to the surface.

Taewoo jumped in and grabbed her by the waist.



Leisurely, Chae-Young's eyes opened. No one was around except one figure.


"Wh- what happened?"

"Rest Chae, you had a blackout"

Chae-Young remembered everything. Glancing at her collar bone.

She could see the scar.

The makeup.

The makeup had washed off in the pool.

Chae-Young gasped and tried to cover it with her duvet.

"I've seen, get well soon Chae"

Taewoo left the room saying nothing more.

After thirty minutes, the nurse let her attend back to her last class. She hid the scar by putting on an oversized hoodie.

She headed to Maths. Waving at people smiling.

Not one single smile of wave back.

They just stared, like she was some ghost.

Or worse..


Some whispered to their friends, but no one said anything.

"Seo-Hyun!" Chae-Young interlinked arms with her but she seemed to resist.



Chae-Young looked at her best friend confused.

"Why didn't you tell me.. your neck.. your collarbone.."


How did she know?

Did Taewoo tell?

This is what Chae-Young was scared of.



They looked at her like a completely different person.

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