little annie

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chapter touches subject of homophobia (slurs i can reclaim are used) and mildly implied pedophilia (just for one line)?? idrk what to call it

i also would like to add; there are important elements/characters in the rebel robin book that are in this story, so if you get confused, it's because it's in rebel robin and not in the original plot line of st. thanks









Since her hellish years of being a pre-teen, cute little Annie always assumed she was the only lesbian in Hawkins.

It was a thought that made sense.

Hawkins was drowned with closeted gay men, and since Mr Hauser was forced to change states because of him and his boyfriend being caught kissing, even more of these closets closed.

Lesbians barely existed.

People didn't even want to say the word. Especially boys.

Like it was forbidden.

They thought it was easier to spit 'dyke' in your face and walk away unbothered.

Annie hated that.

Stupid boys.

Stupid girls.

Stupid anything elses.

Annie hated them.

Annie hated everyone.

Annie hated everything.

Annie hated school.

Annie hated her father.

Annie hated Steve fucking Harrington and his rumours he spread when they were thirteen.


SOMETIMES Annie would not show up to school for two weeks. Sometimes three. Sometimes four.

Everyone assumed she just went to a psych ward.

Or a gay club and spent weeks with some random 40 year old chick she'd boned there.

People said she'd died and came back to life as a vampire, which is why she looked so pale back then.

It's bullshit.

Annie hated the people who wondered about her.

Annie hated the people who cared about her disappearances.

Annie hated the people who loved her.

Because the first time she was loved, she was loved like a woman and not like a little girl.

Poor little Annie.


ANNIE wasn't mature as a child.

She just thought she was.

Maturity is like a puzzle.

And Annie had a missing piece, a piece she'd been searching for years.


A lot of gay people have some sort of phase where they try to accept who they are.

It was easy for Annie.


The last step until self-love.


'LITTLE D' was a nickname kids at high school made for Annie.

They'd remind her everyday.

'Little D! The D stands for dyke by the way.'

There was also 'Little L'. For 'Little Lesbo'.

And 'Little Y'. Annie didn't really know what that stood for. It didn't really matter though. She's probably gone through every letter of the alphabet at least once.

Some people called her 'Double A'. Because her name was Annie Amspoker. Annie just found that fucking stupid. Sounds like a nickname that Mike's little toddler sister would come up with.

The last was 'Triple A'. For Annie Addict Amspoker. That was also stupid. Just stupider. Definitely last but the worst.


"I don't believe in it."

"In what? Oh. Wait- Annie, my parents are really Christian. If they hear you say that, we won't be able to be friends anymore-"

"No, you fucking idiot. Love."


"Yes, love. I'm not gonna repeat myself twenty-six times as if you're my grandma, Tammy."

"Why love?"

"It's stupid. It doesn't exist."

"Love is beautiful."

"I don't believe in it."

"In God?"

"No, Tammy! In love! Christ!"

"What, you've never liked a girl?"


"Then how did you know you liked girls?"

"I just did."


"What? Well, how did you know you liked boys?"

"I never thought about it until Steve."

"The way you talk about Steve is the reason I hate love."

"You hate everything, Annie."

"Suck my dick."








yes i know the way i write is weird.

ik it's weird that i only write dialogue ok but it's my style ok🤡🤡🤡

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