adam fucking carmine

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somewhat mentioned homophobia









A man of words and no thoughts. He'd never think before talking, and just go for it. Obviously he had some kind of filter when talking, but a small filter.

Like the when water is dirty, and you try to filter it, but the water still stays a little brown when you do it.


IT wouldn't exactly be a lie to call Adam 'popular'. I mean, people looked at him. They waved at him, fist-bumped him as he walled down hallways.

Girls would flush red and smile bashfully as he walked by. A few boys would do that too.


ADAM has had girlfriends in the past. Only a few, and he liked them very much, but since the beginning of the year, something is blocking his romantic envy for women. Or for anyone, really.

Maybe something in his system was broken.

Maybe he had fallen in love without realizing.


THEATRE was a little pleasure Adam had for himself hidden in his little thought box locked away in a corner of his brain.

He had a wanting to pursue it, yet his parents were against it.

"You're gonna be a lawyer, not prancing around on a stupid little stage for a living!"

Adam didn't care much.

If being a lawyer would've made his parents happy, then so be it.


HIS parents' approval was something he'd always wanted in life.

If he ever told either one of them that he may be interested in men, all hell would break loose, and he could be thrown on the streets. Adam would never be able to deal with such a situation.

Since a child, he was always trying to get good grades, and would beat himself up when the results to his tests were negative.

God, was he miserable.

Living for someone other than himself.


ADAM didn't know how to function after his best friend left for Hawkins. The little red-headed skateboarder now gone from his life, permanently.

She would sometimes call, telling him about these stalkers boys in her class, or about her father and Billy.

Obviously, she'd never push when it came to her father and brother. They weren't men she liked casually chatting about with one of her closest friends.


"YOU haven't called in a while."

"Yeah, sorry... just some shit going on."

"Yeah, don't worry."

"I met this guy, though."


He heard a laugh, "Well... kind of? I mean, we kissed at this ball thing."

"Good! Good!"

"You? New girlfriend? How's it going with that girl... Bianca?"

"Yeah, Bianca. We broke up like two days ago."

"Oh shit. I'm sorry."

"Haha! It's nothing to be sorry about. I didn't really like her."


"So how's Hawkins?"

"Oh," hesitation in her tone, "The rumours about it are true, I can tell you that."

"It's cursed?"

"Well... kind of? It's like... a messed up town. Seriously, like a devil fucking built it."


"I can't really tell you! Just some weird stuff."

"Weird stuff."

"How's your new school?"

"It's fine. There's this girl, though."

"Oh," she said teasingly.

"No! No! Not like that, she has a boyfriend. And she's a total bitch."

"Her name?"



"She's nice to me, it's just that... I saw what she does to these other new kids. Really glad I'm not on her naughty list."

She laughed, "Good for you. If this 'Angela' tries anything with you, I'll drive all the way to Cali to kick her ass."

"That would be nice."

"It would."








me when nobody reads my stories

pls vote, comment or whatever omg i need opinions on this story

oh and story takes place in season 4

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