The Chief

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The feeling of the rush, the chase, these were all prizes that Charles lived for, these were the feelings that pushed him to keep going in the sad blip in time that was Charles' life. He never got to say goodbye to the only one that truly loved him, he thought right as the bullet tore through his torso and he fell behind his car and took cover as his police car's sirens scream in the ditch as the culprit who shot him floored the gas pedal and took off. Charles was gasping for air he thought to himself that it pierced his lung. He looked up at the dark sky and took his last breath before falling over dead. This was the ending but it is also just the start.
In a far away place on the coast, there was a city just like every other of its kind in the world, a concrete jungle, a subway metropolis, a good place for some a bad place for most this place was named Tuckersville. Charles was a middle aged man and had many friends who he had lost touch with over the years since his move to Tuckersville. This is the town he died in, he woke up and he was in Tuckersville but it was empty, he thought about where he might be, he concluded that he must be in heaven just not how he thought it was going to be. Charles wandered the streets until he found the police station where he worked, he went in and saw a light on in the chiefs' office he slowly opened the door to reveal the chief sitting at his desk with another chair brought up for Charles to sit "Take a seat".Said the Chief, charles was beyond confused because the chief had died a week before Charles death, "Where are we?" Charles asked,"Heaven" replied the chief "Not how you thought it would be huh, well sit down we need to talk" Charles sat down and the Chief began saying "Look, i know we didn't get along the best and trust me i'm sorry for that but there is something else im more sorry for" Charles was intrigued"Well where should i start? Well as you know Tuckersville is a very corrupt place and I was one of the corrupt people there" Charles was filled with rage and stood up in his chair "Go on" said charles "I...I used to sell out some of our men for cash" said the chief "You what!" Charles exclaimed. The police force was the closest thing he has to the army since his discharge,"I would give the criminals a cop, but that's now what happened to you, I know i'm a bad person and i expect after you leave i won't be here for long, but I could have warned you about the criminal he was a known cop killer for the gangs." Charles was in dismay "All i want to tell you is that the most important thing to do is to forgive but not forget, everyone deserves a second chance and i'm here to make things right and send you to heaven". Charles had to think it over, he left the station and went to a playground that used to have tons of children running and having fun, he sat on the swing and thought. He went back in and said "even after all you have done, you deserve a second chance". And suddenly Charles passed out and went to sleep.

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