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In Montana a small town that is barely even on any maps, north of the Missouri River, but just south of the Canada border, called Clarkestown it was founded in 1803 my Sir Robert Clarke III and it was just a crop town originally only 10 families the town itself has a old cotton gin and a few bars but besides that most people just live around the town in Clarke county which spans over 20 miles. This is originally where Charles was from, he grew up on a big ranch with his older brother and younger sister, but Charles being the middle child left him feeling mostly neglected by his parents whom he wasn't very close with. On Charles' birthday he woke up and it was just another day he went to the barn and tended the cows and watered some of their crops and went to school he had turned 18 and his birthday was in may so his senior school year was about over he always wanted to be a soldier his entire life it was one thing he lived for, Charles went to class like any other day, but a football player Sean tripped him and Charles fell and his papers went everywhere Sean was about the same size as Charles and picked on him frequently, but today Charles had enough he got up and Sean was still laughing but Charles punched Sean, and he didn't like that he tried to rush Charles but he sidestepped and close lined him then got on his chest and just beat him and beat him in Charles mind when everyone is screaming it was all quiet he kept punching even though it was tearing his hand apart he just kept going. Kane rushed over and pulled him off of Sean. Later in the principal's office the principal tells Charles' parents that he will be expelled, this was heartbreaking news. Later that day Charles' dad gives him a suitcase and tells him to go. Charles tried to fight it but knew his fathers' persistence was immense so he gave in he took his truck and rode to Glendive, and applied to the army. In the last stage of heaven Charles was in the clouds. He could see the gates of heaven in the distance but closer was a woman in a bride's dress. It was Charles' wife Shelby, he ran full sprint and embraced his long lost wife. He never got to say goodbye because she died in a car accident. He slid the ring on her finger and began to cry as they walked together toward the gates.
Though Charles' life was a short time period he didnt have a lot of time to do much. Charles was a fighter, a born one at that, he was a good man and husband. The rush and chase are things when he was alive that he lived for, only now after he is not living can he see that those weren't the important things in his life but the things that were are the people that were around him.He may not have accomplished a lot but it was enough good things that he earned his spot in heaven

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