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In a place where the even air was hot and all they could see nothing but sand for miles, Charles was in the hangar bay of an ac-130 with all of his comrades in Afghanistan. He and his squad who consisted of his life long best friend Kane, the sniper of their group Phil, Frank who was the medic and Charles who was the Sergeant in command of their squad, this wasn't any of their first times in combat they had all fought together on multiple occasions Frank was a marine, Kane was originally part of the air force, this was only the second time Frank had been deployed, the others weren't very friendly to Frank and Charles in all truth only selected him for his medical skills, but Charles had always been in the army. The pilot gave them a countdown and they all jumped out and deployed their parachutes, their mission was to secure an outpost housing refugees who were under attack from the Taliban. They landed on the hot sand in the heat of the day they walked and walked and as they got closer they saw the outpost "Well there it is" Said charles, they approached slowly and entered through a backdoor the building was mostly destroyed due to shelling but was still a formidable fortress. They proceeded down a hall and Charles held up his hand in a fist to signal the team to stop but Frank threw his gear aside and ran over, it was a little girl who was shot,"Frank!" Charles screamed a bullet ripps through Frank's neck and he falls over dead the squad takes cover and opens fire on the terrorists, they magange to gun them all down but in the fight Frank died and phil was no where to be seen "Were is phil?" they booth asked they level after level room after room sweeped the building all was clear but as they went to the roof they saw phil duct taped to a chair with a bomb vest on Charles had no experince in bomb defusing neither did Kane because phil was the one to take care of that. They tried to get it off but they couldn't. There was 10 seconds on the clock then 9 then 8 "Just go!" said phil 7...6...5 Kane grabbed charles as he fought to go back for him 4...3..2...1... They ducked back into the building as the bomb went off. They sat there for a moment and realized that they dropped their bags that had all of their food,water, and walkie talkie on the radio for evac. They wandered the sandy street that was empty except for the occasional gust of wind, it was night now and cold. They wandered until they found a flare almost gleaming in the moonlit night. Kane ran over to grab it and Charles screamed "No it's a trap!"Kane grabbed the flare and nothing happened "See" Kane said "Nothing to be-" The flare exploded beside Kanes head and it left charles flung onto his back he ran over to Kane whose face has been mutilated but he was still breathing but choking on his own blood,"G...give this t-to your wife for me" Kane handed Charles his Silver ring Charles shed a tear as Kane passed, Charles began to walk and just as he did a helicopter appeared in the distance. In the next stage of heaven Charles woke up back in Afghanistan and began to walk. The only thing he had in hand was the silver ring, he saw someone in the distance, a soldier he made out to be a US soldier. He approached and as they turned around it was Kane, Charles rushed over and hugged his friend "Glad to see you" Kane said "I've been waiting for you" said Kane "The lesson i have for you is brotherhood, whether it be a sports team or army or maybe just a day job at an office all are brotherhoods all are teams you need to understand that i'll be here for you" Charles was sobbing they embraced one another until Charles passed out again.

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