the start of the game

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Anthea Lannister, Tywin Lannister's weakness. Anthea although a fierce lioness was one with a gentle heart and undeniable strength and kindness to those she cared for and the common folk. The youngest of the four siblings, Anthea was a miracle the twin sister of Tyrion Lannister. With Joanna Lannister's last moments she gave birth to her second daughter.

Although her mother died after giving birth to Anthea, Cersei still blamed her 'monster' of a little brother for her death. Anthea as a babe was perfect. She never cried nor complained, her appearance was that of her late mother with her shining blonde hair and piercing sea green eyes. Her presence was a reminder of the once great lady of Casterly Rock to the people of Lannisport but most importantly her father.

So as she grew she started to form into the perfect blend of her family. She grew to have her mothers grace but her fathers political mind. She was as fierce and stubborn as Cersei but as loyal as Jaime. But most of all she was as misunderstood as her twin, Tyrion whom she loved with her entire heart.

Soon she was known all across Westeros as 'the shining rose of the rock.'

Amanda Seyfried as Anthea Lannister

' The Shining Rose of the Rock '

' The Shining Rose of the Rock '

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Author's Note

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Author's Note.

Hi! Welcome to my Game of Thrones Fanfiction. I know that a Lannister sibling fanfic has been done before but I wanted a character a little more modernised than most (well in Westeros anyway). My character Anthea Lannister does reflect some of my traits and personality so I feel nervous to publish this character but I am so excited to be writing into this fandom I thought, let's do it!

Everything but my Oc is created and owned by HBO.

I hope you enjoy my story and don't forget to Vote and Comment!

Love, Ellie xxx

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