when snow meets the ground

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Anthea remembered it well. The days of Robert's Rebellion were dark and casted a shadow of blood and death across all of the Seven Kingdoms. Although at the time of the Rebellion she and Tyrion were only 5 years old she could still remember the whispers and the darkness that felt permanent within the confines of the great Rock.

16 years later, and as I close my eyes I can still hear the cries and the heart-breaking weeping of those who had lost anyone. I could only have  imagined the image Kingslanding was painting with the blood that was spilt in those dark days. I remember when my father would get letters from the capital, before he was forced to travel there to serve as the Hand once again to the former King Aerys. After he had read them I would take a peek at his desk when he wasn't looking curious about what information could have stressed my father so. The answer death.

Although the war was won it's shadow never really faded away. Not even after the long reign of my brother in law, King Robert and the birth of not one but three heirs to the Iron Throne.

Now however we were travelling North to Winterfell at the King's request as his former Hand, Jon Aryn had passed he needed another and he chose that to be his most trusted friend Eddard Stark, Warden of the North.

With my eyes closed I could feel the swaying of the carriage as we travelled over the King's Road. The horses hooves trotting along could be heard against the rough terrain as they surrounded the small wooden box which contained not only me but my darling niece and nephew as well as my beautiful older sister or Queen Cersei as she is known throughout the realm.

I opened my eyes and was graced with the image of my beautiful niece smiling gleefully in my direction as she was sitting next to her brother Tommen who at the very moment was leaning into his mothers arms as he slept peacefully. I smiled widely back at Myrcella before patting my hand on the cushions next to me to signal her to come sit next to me.

I laughed as she giggled and quickly moved from her former seat to the space next to me.

"Why my beautiful darling, why are you smiling so wonderfully?" I asked her while smiling at Myrcella.

She giggled and looking up towards me before answering.

"Because Auntie Anthea, we are going to the North and isn't that just exciting! There will be snow!" She exclaimed excitedly to which I chucked at her . I was completely in awe of her innocence and unbelievable giddiness for newfound things and adventure even if its a small trip through the gardens at King's Landing with me.

I reached my arms out towards her before pulling her against my side to try and keep her a little warmer before I replied.

"Why yes, my darling it is very exciting. Snow is an unremarkable thing, although sometimes harsh and unforgiving it is a beautiful creation of which graces the North," I said before glancing towards my sister to see her gazing at us with a small amused smile.

I ducked my head slightly and lowered my voice pretending I was telling her the most important secret before whispering, "the snow is like your mother in many ways wouldn't you say?"

To that Myrcella giggled once again and cuddled into my side trying to cover up her laughter as well as keep warm.

I shook my head in amusement before I looked to the direction of my sister, who was smiling slightly with her eyebrow raised, which only made me chuckle.

Soon Myrcella joined Tommen in the depths of sleep, leaning into my side.

I turned towards Cersei.

"Are you looking forwards to seeing the North then, sister?"

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