1. Settling In

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Debby Amore walked into the nearly empty restaurant, a nervous wreck on the inside. She had finally decided to follow Dianna and Elisa's advice. If only she had done so 6 months ago, when things hadn't gone this far.

"Debs," Damon called on sighting her. His signature smile was in place and the love radiating in his eyes made what she had to do even more difficult.

"Damon," Debby smiled gently before sitting across him. "There's no need for that." She added once he signalled for the waiter.

Retracting his hand, Damon gave her a puzzled look. "If we're not here to eat, what are we here for?"

"I need to tell you something." She started, dreading how much hurt she was about to inflict on him. "I think we should break up."

The frown on his face was the only indication he had heard her as he remained silent.

"I don't think this is working so I think we should split. I'd like us to be friends 'cause you're an incredible guy." She finished.

"It's working out for me, I don't know about you. Maybe if you tell me what the problem is, we'll work it out."

"There's no problem." She sighed, " I'm just... Not in love with you."

Damon's eyes widened a fraction as he nodded slightly. "Not everyone falls in love at first sight, it takes time to fall in love..."

"I've tried, Damon. I can't... I just..."

Cutting her off with a fake smile, he said, "Alright then. It seems you've made up your mind." Drumming his fingers on the table, he looked away from her in a bid to hide his pain. "I can't be your friend Debby."

Hearing him call her 'Debby' and not 'Debs' dented a part of her heart, making her wonder if this was the right decision after all.

"I can't pretend I'm not in love with you so maybe we should give each other space." Gritting his teeth, Damon stood from the table, "take care of yourself." He finished as he excused himself from her presence. With every step he took, he wished she would call out to him and say it was a mistake, that she could fall in love with him if they spent more time together but she didn't.

He had known she wasn't in love with him but it didn't stop him from hoping his love for her would encourage her to fall in love with him. What a fool he was.

Once he had gotten into his car, he promised himself he would forget about Debby Amore and focus on his career as well as those who love him instead.

"I made the right choice," Debby whispered to herself, tempted to rub her shoulders to ward off the sudden chill. The temperature was falling, she told herself, it had nothing to do with feeling like she had made a terrible mistake.

~~~3 years later~~~

Peering out the window, Debby stared in fascination at the buildings passing by. One would think she hadn't seen skyscrapers before. She had but not alone in a city thousands of miles away from home- especially not with the excitement coursing through her veins at the moment.

She checked her phone for the umpteenth time, noting her parents and sister's lack of reply to her text messages. Deciding to give them more time, she put her phone away and focused on the scenery.

The cab driver zoomed off after she paid and she was left standing in front of her apartment, one hand on her luggage as she admired the building almost completely made of glass.

Here we go. She thought, walking in and up to the receptionist.

"Good day, I'm Betty. How may I help you?" The redhead woman wearing red-rimmed glasses asked.

"I'm Debby Amore. I'll be staying in one of the apartments here."

"Alright, do hold on," Betty said, tapping away at her laptop keys. "Debby Amore confirmed." She smiled before opening a drawer and getting out a key. "This is your key. Your room is on the second floor- room 214. If you need anything or have any questions you can call or walk up to me." She finished, handing Debby a card.

"Thank you." With a smile, Debby walked to the elevator. Pressing the button for the 2nd floor, she soon arrived at her designated room.

"Lovely." She whispered upon entering, "Just lovely." Forgetting her luggage, she walked straight to the French windows as she gazed at the street below and the wonderful skyline. She could imagine all the adventures that awaited her... Including the work.

With that thought in mind, she found her way back to her luggage and she rolled it along while walking into the bedroom and bathroom. She heard from those who had done their architectural internships how stressful it was and although she liked to believe she was as tough as they come, she had to prepare for the worst- just in case.

She unzipped her box and began unpacking, not one to bear doing it later. Neatly, she hung her clothes ranging from casual wear to the corporate ones she would wear to the company. Hanging the last set of clothes, she fingered the outfit she set aside for her first day to make a great impression.

"Everything would be great, I can feel it." She whispered.


Debby wasted no time heading to the library she saw on the way earlier. Something about being immersed in a book for hours in a library always called to her.

Settling into a chair in an enclosed space, she let herself get lost in a romance novel, forgetting all about the world around her.

Hii. Thanks for giving this story a chance.
This novel would be written in the third person POV(unlike my usual first person POV style). Hope you enjoy it.

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