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"This is excellent," he breathed.

With his hands in his pockets, Matthieu stood before the painting. He had wanted to see progress in her work to ensure everything was going on smoothly.

To Aditi Veer, the concept of 'a job well done' was something unheard of growing up. Something she could strive for, but never reach. The top rung of an endless ladder. When she was a girl, she was always being told off for mistakes she'd made, something small she'd missed. A bit of boot that hadn't been polished to perfection– earning her a kick to the face. When cleaning her home, specks of dust forgotten or a piece of glass from a shattered bottle left on the floor would lead to a beating, getting backhanded with such force it left her ears ringing. Aditi had bitten back tears, not wanting to cry over such a small incident. She didn't even bleed. He took care of her. That was what mattered. She had a roof over her head and food to eat.

She was twelve, and there was no end in sight.

Hearing praise, it felt staggering every single time.

Her smile spread just a bit further. "Much obliged," she responded.

Matthieu turned to Aditi with a smile and told her he was absolutely thrilled with the project and that he was indeed interested to see what more she had to offer. "I have discussed with the board and we have come to a decision to give you a deadline of six months. Are you able to do it?"

"It'll be done."

Aditi was half way through her first international debut as an artist.

Aditi had far more to go, but for now, she had made it.

In the studio, the deafening noise of Xavier's thoughts overpowered the sound of the birds chirping. As he sat on the stool, he admired the fluid movement of her wrist, how it moved so swiftly, tracing the outline of his silhouette. He acted as an empty canvas waiting to be painted, waiting to have his heart stained with the colours; with colours of her. He had not tried to make conversation or start an argument which Aditi found quite disturbing as he was always having something to pick on, especially when it came to her.

"Do tell, when is your birthday?" she inquired.

"Why? Do you wish to get me a present?"

"I'm trying to make conversation since you have been silly quiet. That is all."

"Ah," he smirked, "and you would prefer it if I spoke?"


"I'll ask the questions, then. When is your birthday?"

"It's not for another few months."

Silence overcame the two. Not quite to the point of discomfort, but a bit too long for his liking.

"Why art?" Xavier asked.

The pine green drapes behind him were adjusted lightly by Aditi once she rose from her position.

"This is the second time you've asked," she replied.

"I will continue to do so until you answer."


"I do not understand."

"For instance, to the public eye, this painting is just a portrait of you."

A nod was given as he looked back.

"But to the both of us, when we look at this painting, everything that has happened here, in this room for the previous and next few hours will be revisited as a memory. I have captured this moment to last for an eternity on this canvas."

Fitoor: The ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now