Looking for New Prompts for a Possible Sequel

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So I made a couple announcements on my profile about this but I want to add it here too because I figure maybe more people will see it this way.

I just finished re-reading this book and though I cringe at some parts, I still think it's a pretty darn good book for having written it almost a decade ago when I was 15.

I have since then graduated, moved to Canada, gone to University, gotten a Creative Writing degree, met my partner whom I've been with for nearly 5 years (and he very strangely reminds me a lot of Lionel... who I invented many, many years before meeting him.... Freaky stuff.)  and started an art business. Writing has been kind of on the back burner for me, but I think this is a great opportunity to get back into it, especially with how much more experience and knowledge I have after going to University.

Having said all that, I really would love to write a sequel to this. Re-reading it took me way back to how much fun it was to write and how much I loved it, how much I loved all of you loving it and interacting with it and everything.

I'm still trying to figure out if it's a good idea, though. I need to come up with a plotline, because even though I do want it to include some sort of school play, I can't have it revolve around it like the first book did because that would be too repetitive. My current idea is about Ellie being a Senior in HS and helping the Junior's put on their Disney play, but this would only be a side-plot.
Also, another important factor is that I can't find good writing prompts for a sequel. I tried looking up the original Disneyitus challenge, because I remember there were some extra prompts you could substitute some with and I could use those as a start, but I guess @northandsouth must have deleted the challenge. 

So, I'm looking for new disney writing prompts for this. I COULD write them myself if I really tried, but I feel that takes away a lot of the purpose and fun of finding prompts and having to adhere to them.

I could always try writing it without prompts, but once again I feel that would take away most of the fun and a lot of my motivation.

SO! Would any of you lovelies be willing to write some new Disney prompts for me? I'd be looking for around 25-30 prompts to make it the same length as the first book.

I would love to see what you all think. There's so many new Disney/Pixar movies that have come out since I wrote the first book that I would love to incorporate, as well as some older classics that I couldn't fit into the first book.

Would love to know what you all think.

Thanks for reading!

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