Part 2

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DODODODOD part 2 meeting my main man shika here :3 Umm yea so enjoy I guess hahah my friend finally edited and she said she changed a bit of stuff and I don't know hat and I don't really care so enjoy the crap that's is in here and umm Hi guys :3 

It's so unlike me to upload hahah, I'm working on another Naruto Fanfic right now, well two actually so one of those will eventually be posted as well but I must focus on these for the moment. Though really I have a bunch of mini story Ideas just waiting to be writing, I should really become more productive haha



Hailey Bailey :3


The sour look remained on my face throughout the morning activities. The place between my eyebrows furrowed as I watched Naruto interacting with my cousin. He was constantly teasing her and talking to her, but as far as I could tell that’s all it was and he felt nothing more for her. I frowned and turned away from the scene to look across the school courtyard, just in time to notice a boy arriving at school. He stood out, wearing regular clothing and hair pulled back into a deep brown spiky ponytail that seemed familiar. I bit my lip and tried to think of where I had seen the boy but couldn’t figure it out. Giving up I shrugged my shoulders, but still let my eyes follow his movements across the courtyard and into the school.

After watching the door for a moment I pulled a book from my bag and began to study, finding it hard to concentrate on the words before me. I closed my eyes and pictured the boy’s face again, trying my hardest to remember why the boy looked so familiar. I scrunched up my nose and put the palm of my hand to my forehead, trying my hardest to remember him. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Hinata standing above me, a smile creasing lines into her face. “Hey Neji, the bell rang.”

I stood quickly and gathered my things, throwing them into my bag and quickly hurrying toward the door, hoping with all my might I wouldn’t be late. I had worked hard for three years to have perfect attendance, and didn’t feel like screwing it up in my 4th. I noticed the amount of kids in the hallways dwindling as I rushed to the other side of the school, cursing the four minute passing periods. I stepped through the door to my class and sat just as the bell rang, smiling inwardly at my success. 

The smile shrunk as the teacher took his place at the head of the room, the usual bored look written on his face, I pulled the books for the class from my bag, prepared for the lesson when he began to speak. “All right class we have a new student today, if you could welcome him with open arms please.”

The grey haired teacher waved his hand toward the door lazily and the brunette boy from earlier stepped into the room. He nodded sluggishly and sauntered over to the desk near mine, sitting down and immediately throwing his head on the desk. I curled my lip and turned away from him. Of course the new kid just had to be the type who never did anything in school, lazy bum. I had never understood how a person could so easily laze about their life. Here I had spent my whole life trying to bring myself to be on top and yet there were people like him who simply did nothing. It was so confusing to me that a person could be like that.

The class passed slowly and I couldn’t help but casting glances at the boy occasionally. At one point I noticed a paper sticking out from his bag and tried to read the name, but couldn’t quite make it out. Peeved that I was even trying, I focused harder on the assignment in front of me. By the end of class my head was hurting from the concentration I put out to just not look at the boy. When the bell rang he was still sleeping, I was to the door before I turned back and walked to his desk. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him roughly. “Hey, you need to wake up.”

He sat up with a stretch, letting a large yawn escape his mouth. “Huh?”

He turned his black gaze toward me before rubbing his eyes. “What’s up?”

I rolled my eyes and pouted at him. “The bell rang. You need to get moving.”

He nodded and grabbed his bag, pulling the piece of paper that was sticking out from it. “Hey would you mind showing me to room 105? I seem to have lost my map.”

A small chuckle came from his lips after he spoke and I nodded my head in the direction of the main staircase. “Go down those and take a left, it should be to your right somewhere.”

“Hey thanks man!” He turned and took off quickly toward the staircase.

I tore my gaze from him just as the tardy bell for my next class rang. “Damn it.”

I took off jogging toward my next class. When I burst in the students all glanced up at me, staring in shock as the door burst open. “Mr. Hyuuga. You’re late.”

“I know Mr. Lee, sorry. I was helping a new student get to class and…” I was cut off when an arm wrapped violently around me.

“Ah yes! So kind you are Neji.” I watched impatiently as tears glistened in his eyes.

 “Ahh, the beauty of youth.”  I nudged my shoulders from his grip and walked to my seat.

Sitting down I pulled a journal from my backpack and began to write the prompt from the board.


I stood from the desk as the lunch bell rang and walked into the crowded hallways, weaving my way through and doing my best not to bump into anyone. I finally made it to the front doors of the school and pushed through them, making my way over to a tree that sat off to the left. Sighing, I sat down and pulled a book from my bag. I had just begun to read when I heard a thump next to me. I looked over to see one of the brown sacked lunches from the cafeteria; I looked up and noticed Hinata walking away, Kiba following silently next to her. I scrunched my nose as Naruto jumped between the two of them, yelling loudly.

“Will that boy ever become less annoying?” I looked up and grunted when the site of the brunette boy appeared before me.

“Don’t count on it.” I turned back to my book as he sat down next to me.

He laid his back against the tree and began to doze off, the wind rustling his bangs lightly across his face. “Ha. How can you sleep all the time?”

He didn’t reply to me as he shifted his position, but I saw a small smile appear on his face. I rolled my eyes and turned to my book, instantly becoming enthralled in the pages.

“Hey Neji?” I scrunched my brow together and looked over.

“How do you know my name?” He grinned at me and reached for my lunch.

“Hey do you mind if I have this? I was too lazy to make my lunch this morning.” I frowned but nodded my head, then reached to grab the bag.

“That is if you tell me why you know my name, have we met before?” He nodded his head as he bit into the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“MMm yeah, we have. But I didn’t realize it was you until one of the girls in my last class told me your name.”He licked his fingers as he put the last bite into his mouth.

“May I ask how it is that we know each other?” He frowned at me and lay back down.

“Eh. Too bothersome.” It was my turn to frown as he shut his eyes and turned his back to me.

“I think it’s only fair that I know your name, since you know mine.” He jumped to his feet suddenly and stretched.

“I had to work for your name, so now then wouldn’t it be unfair if I just told you mine?” I watched as he walked away.

“H-Hey where are you going, we were talking.” He threw his hands behind his head and glanced back at me.

“I’m going somewhere quiet so I can nap.” I felt myself growing angry at the sight of his retreating backside quickly catching myself and do my best to calm down, turning back to my book and finishing the last chapter before heading off to finish the school day.

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