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I leaned back against the car, and checked my watch for the umpteenth time as I waited for Hinata after school. It had been 10 minutes since school had been released, and the parking lot was congested, meaning it would be impossible to get out for at least another 15. 

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out, flipping it up quickly at the sight of Hinata’s name. “Hey, Hinata where are you?”

Her voice came through the phone quieter than usual as there was loud yelling in the background. “Hey Neji, sorry I didn’t call earlier but Naruto invited me to come out with Kiba and some of the others, so we skipped fourth and went out to bowl and eat.”

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. “I see. When will you be home then? I’m sure your father will want to know.”

“Well I shouldn’t be out too late; I’ll be home around 7 I guess.” As she replied I spotted a head of black spiky hair crossing the parking lot.

I watched as he looked at his watch and then looked around the parking lot, searching for something. After a moment he sighed and sat on a bench, laying his head back he seemed to be going to sleep again. “Hey Hinata, I’m going to let you go, please be home on time.”

Without waiting for a reply I shut the phone and walked toward where the boy was sitting. I took a seat on the bench next to him and nudged his foot lightly with my own. One eye opened in reply and a grunt escaped his mouth as he spotted me.

 “Is it going to be a habit of yours to wake me up?” His eye closed, as he shifted and repositioned himself.

“I may stop after I learn your name, I have asked a few people but none of them really knew. You really do seem somewhat familiar but I can’t place a name with the face. I do wish you’d tell me your name.”I frowned as he sat up from his position, an annoyed sigh falling from his lips.

He turned around and glared at me “Look I’d really just like to sit here in peace and wait for my dad to come pick me up.” He glanced through the parking lot and scrunched his nose. “If he ever gets here that is.”

“If you’d like I can give you a ride home. My cousin went out with some friends and I don’t really have anything to do now anyway. You can just text your dad and let him know.” I stood from the bench and waited for him to do the same.

“Um, sure.” He flipped his phone open and ran his fingers across the keypad quickly. “Thanks.”

I nodded and headed off into the parking lot, unlocking the door, I held it open to let him slide inside.  He raised his eyebrows at me and I released the door quickly, a slight pink hinting my cheeks as I turned away from him. I went hurriedly to my side of the car and climbed in. “Alright where do you live?”

”You know that old place on the other side of town by the woods?” I nod my head in response to his question, and then drop my jaw as realization dawned on me.

“Y-you live all the way out there?” He smirked and nodded his head. I felt my face fall as I looked at the red line, leaning a little close to the E, “Well all right but I will have to stop for gas.”

He nodded his head and gazed out the window.

As we pulled away from the gas pump, I thought about the old house up on the hill. “Hey that’s the old Nara place right? I used to have a friend who lived there, he left a while back though and…” I paused and looked at the person sitting in my passenger seat. “W-wait you’re Shikamaru aren’t you.”

He looked over at me and winked. “Bingo”

A frown creased my face as I looked at him from the corner of my eye. “Wow you sure have grown big.”

He smiled then and turned to face me “Well I can’t say the same for you, you seem to be the same size”

I frowned “Hey now, I’m nowhere near as short as I was then, heck I’m not even that short now, I’m six two, it’s not my fault you are a giant.”

He shook his head while clucking his tongue “Oh I don’t know I wouldn’t say six/five is quite giant material. And are you sure you are six two, the height from your shoes doesn’t count.”

A slight growl escaped from my lips as I remained silent and stared ahead at the road.

Forty-five minutes later we arrived to the entrance of the Nara residence “All right well I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”I waited a moment, and when there came no reply I turned to see Shikamaru sound asleep in my passenger seat. With a heavy sigh I put the car in park and stepped out, walking to the front gate I pushed the small intercom button.

“Umm, Hello my name is Neji, I have Shikamaru in my car and he seems to be in a dead sleep.” I was greeted by silence on the other end, and then the metal gates slowly slid open.

I took my queue and jumped into the car, easing it into the driveway, where I stopped in front of the doors. Not a moment later two people stepped out with large grins on their faces, as I stepped from my car they rushed over to me.

“Neji, oh my lord how you have grown. Just look at you, I remember when you were ye big and followed Shikamaru around everywhere.” His mother cracked a grin and put her arms out to hug me.

I gave her a nervous smile and a quick hug, wishing they hadn’t been home. I turned to his dad; whose hand was out waiting for a handshake. “Thanks for bringing him home. We were tied up with one of the managers of a new branch of our fish and game store.”

I shook his hand quickly and then glanced to the car. “I’m not sure if he’s gonna wake up, he seems pretty out, which is odd considering how much he sleeps.”

Shikamarus dad let out a large billowing laugh as he approached the car and opened the door. “Wow he really is out like a light isn’t he. Say Neji, you wouldn’t mind carrying him up to his room would ya?”

“U-ummm” I looked at Shikamaru’s sleeping figure and sighed. “I don’t know if I can make it up to a room, he looks kind of heavy, but I could probably make it to the couch.”

His dad slapped a hand on my shoulder and nodded his head. “I’d do it myself, but the old bones can’t lift him like they used to.”

I chuckled as I opened the door, thinking that even the young bones wouldn’t have been able to carry Shikamaru so well. I reached around to undo the seat belt and began to lift him up; grunting as I felt his weight settle in my arms, I did my best to get him out without bumping his head.

Halfway up the stairs, his body suddenly stiffened as he opened his eyes and looked up at me. “U-umm what are you doing?”

I felt my face reddening as I glanced behind me at his parents, both hiding their laughter from me by turning their heads. “Your father asked me to help you into the house since you were sleeping.”

I set Shikamaru down as he looked behind me to his parents. “Hmph, you all could have just woke me up you know?”

I shrugged my shoulders and went back down the porch steps, “Yea I’ll remember that next time.” I smiled at his parents and seated myself in the car. “See you around.”


Nat finally edited this, yay~! enjoy guys :0

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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