Chapter 15

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Mwende POV

Wow ! God did it in Kisumu.
After the revival service we had late dinner and went to sleep and now someone is shaking me awake while I feel like I can sleep for days.
"What now the mission is over, can't I sleep?"
"Hahahaha no, the bus will be leaving in 30 minutes so if you don't hurry up you will be left."
"Aargh ok I can sleep in the bus."
I had record time shower and dressed in a simple dress. Folded my sheets and stuffed them in my bag, I made sure I have packed everything and left the room. I found Mukei waiting for me. We went to the bus together and took our seats. I draped a leso over me and off I went to sleep. When I woke up it was almost 11 am and we were told to go have late breakfast cum early lunch.

Outside the bus we started looking for a restaurant with Mukei and going over our options to eat.
Dr Martin came to say hi. I was so embarrassed my face felt swollen due to sleeping and I was not sure there isn't some drool on my face.
"Hey Mwende why are you hiding your gorgeous face from me?"
" I am not!"
"You look cute when you have just woken up."
"Oh my God stop! You are mocking me ."
"No I can't my dear, why would I? Let me buy you breakfast as an apology, if I have embarrassed you, it was not my intention."

"No no you don't have to, am okay, thanks anyway."
"I insist."
That's how we found ourselves in a table for three enjoying our meal. There is an African saying, that says 'free food tastes sweeter. '
It might be true because the meal was delicious and the conversation was nice.
We exchanged numbers and I went back to the bus so happy Mukei couldn't stop making fun of me.

When we got back to campus we had a whole week of fasting and prayer to thank God for His my works in Kisumu.
Classes resumed and everyone got busy. It was the last semester so there were a lot of activities. After exams we went home for long holiday.
I got a job in an electrical and electronic shop. It was nice and enjoyed working there.
Dr Martin had graduated for his master's degree and was working as a senior doctor in the sanitarium. We hadn't had a lot of conversation since Kisumu and I thought maybe it was my imagination and I prayed God to help me.

Mukei had found a handsome man, who was loyal and loved the Lord. They were going strong in christian dating and I couldn't wait to experience the same .
When we resumed on our final year. We had our mission in Pokot.
A dry region in Kenya. In that mission was slightly different, we carried foodstuffs , clothes , learning materials and medical supplies.
In our door to door we would carry some donations to take to them , instead of purely preaching the good news of salvation alone.

Dr Martin joined us even though he was not a student anymore, but as an alumni and we needed his medical knowledge. I went with him twice to door to door and it was awesome to watch him in his element.
I started praying the prayer I know many single ladies do in church today. 'God please let him see me. Tell him I am his wife.' haha very funny but I really did .
Funny he never talked to me about anything of that sort.


Will he ever tell her what is in his mind or did he change.

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