5. Not Like You.

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July 2010.
Riverlin, Michigan.

"I still can't believe you really tattooed my name on you," Hope said as she ran her index finger across the pretty cursive letters on Noelle's hip.

They were naked and laying in Noelle's bed. Her parents weren't home and hadn't been for a few days because of some Christian pastor retreat they and her two younger siblings went on. They wanted Noelle to come, but she came up with a list of excuses as to why she should stay home. Most of them were related to not wanting to miss work so she could save up as much money as she could for when she goes away for school. But in reality, she hadn't been to work one time since her parents left. She just wanted to spend that time with Hope. Alone.

"What you gonna say if somebody asks you about it?"

"I told you no one's ever gonna see it. No one except you."

"I guess that's true," Hope smirked as she continued rubbing on Noelle's hip.

"Plus, if anyone ever does see it, Hope can stand for anything. But we both know what it really stands for though."

"And what's that?"

"That I'm yours forever."

"I really can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Elly." Hope's hand moved from Noelle's hip to rest gently on her cheek as she said it, making sure to look her directly in the eyes too.

Noelle rested her hand on top of Hope's before responding with, "you have me forever, baby. And ever. And ever."

"You're so cute," Hope said in a very soft voice as she gently ran her index finger across Noelle's lips, causing her to smile. "You don't even know how ready I am for college to start this fall."

"I can't believe you of all people is excited about school."

"Honestly? Fuck school," Hope laughed. "But I can't wait to be with you. Like... really be with you."

"Aren't we really together now?" Noelle put emphasis on the same word Hope did.

"You know what I mean. I wanna be able to hold your hand in public or kiss you without you being scared that someone might see us and tell your parents. But above all else," Hope inched even closer to Noelle before finishing.

"Mmhm?" Noelle hummed, waiting eagerly for what she was about to say.

"Above all else, I can't wait to get these got damn braces taken off before we leave-"

"You're so annoying," Noelle laughed quite loudly.

"I'm just playing," Hope laughed along with her. "Well, not really because I am ready to get these damn braces off. I'm about to be a whole new fucking person with straight teeth."

"But I think you look cute with them on. I like 'em." And she really did. She's gotten so used to seeing Hope with braces for the last almost three years and never once did she think they made her look any less beautiful.

"You tell me I'm pretty no matter what I look like, so I don't know how much I can really trust that. But, there is another thing though. Another reason I can't wait to go to school."

"And what's that?"

"I'll be able to do this whenever I want to," she said while cupping her hand around Noelle's breast. She flicked her thumb across her nipple a few times until it was hard again.

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