Chapter 4 : Yujin

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When she blinks her eyes back open, it's because a voice she hasn't heard in a while is greeting them. "Oh my-Yujin," she greets excitedly, an instant smile tugging at her lips when Yujin grins and steps closer.

"Hi guys!" Yujin wraps her arms around Winter and Yeji, pulling them both in for a group hug. She doesn't comment on the fact that Winter looks like a panda from all the crying, and Winter breathes in the calm that always seems to hang around Yujin.

"Woah," she says when Yujin lets go of them. "First of all, I'm a little drunk. Second of all, I really didn't expect you to be here. Don't you have cool people to hang out with now?"

Yujin shrugs, still smiling. "Gi said there'd be a party and you guys would come, so I figured why not. I miss you guys a lot."

"We miss you, too," Yeji says, pressing the side of her head against Yujin's. With Yujin being the only one in heels, they're almost the same height now. "I think everyone does. But how's college? Did you have crazy ass adventures yet?"

Yujin laughs, and Winter leans her head against the counter again. She listens to Yujin talk about student life, and Yeji curiously asking questions. With the three of them reunited, it feels like she's a little more complete than before she went to the party. Before she said all those things to Yeji. Before-

"Come on, Winter, we're going dancing." Yeji grabs Winter's hand to pull her off the stool, tugging her back to the living room.

Someone moved the furniture to create a small dance floor near the DJ booth, and soon Winter finds herself being squished between Yujin and Yeji. There's too many people trying to dance and too little space, so everyone ends up mostly unable to move, but it's still fun.

It's enough to take Winter's mind off of Karina and the fact that she just barely kept her promise never to tell anyone what happened, and she wraps her arms around Yujin and Yeji's necks and jumps to the beat of the bass. It's hot and uncomfortable, but she feels light and almost happy.

She also needs to pee.

"I need to pee," she tells Yujin and Yeji over the music, but she's pretty sure only Yujin hears her because she's the one that nods and laces their fingers together so they won't lose each other on their way to the bathroom.

"We're going to pee," Yujin says, before Winter pulls her off the dance floor and towards where she thinks the bathroom is.

It takes them a few minutes to find it, and they end up going upstairs because the one downstairs is occupied, but when they finally find the right door, that one is locked as well.

"Great," Winter sighs, leaning her back against the door to steady herself. She doesn't feel as uncoordinated anymore, but in the back of her mind she knows she's still pretty drunk. Everything is still kind of blurred around the edges, and she's hyper aware of Yujin standing next to her with a smile on her face.

"I'm drunk," Winter says, her lips curling up in a dopey smile.

Yujin turns to face her, and there's a certain look in her eyes that Winter would've been better at reading if she weren't trying not to trip while standing still.

"I know," Yujin says, furrowing her brow a little. "Are you okay? You seemed pretty upset earlier, and I didn't want to butt in and stuff, but you know how I am. I get worried."

Winter shrugs, leaning her head against the wall. "I know. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be okay, I think."

"I care about you, of course I get worried sometimes." Yujin gives her a soft smile, one that makes Winter's heart hammer against her chest.

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