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SHADOW LET OUT A YELP, FALLING ON HIS RUMP. He'd almost dropped the Emerald, which could have resulted in disaster; he didn't know if these all-powerful gems were invincible (they are, actually) and held it to his chest. Rouge was by his side in a second, asking if he was all right. He nodded and she helped him to his feet.

When he looked to see who or what he ran into, he froze. When their eyes met, ruby to emerald, his heart leapt with joy.

It was almost like looking in a mirror. He had been the only one of his kind for as long as he knew. To see another like him—almost exactly—equally scared and exhilarated him.

"Oh. My. God," gasped the blue hedgehog on his rump, rubbing his forehead. "OHMYGOD. You're like me!"

Then he leapt to his feet, eyes enormous, a smile so big it might just break his face.

A yellow fox and a red echidna soon jogged up to his side. The primary colors stood out even in the dark.

"Hello, I'm Miles! But you can call me Tails!" greeted the fox very cheerfully, extending his hand. Shadow took it timidly but Tails shook it before he could plant a kiss of respect. "These are my best friends, Sonic and Knuckles! It's nice to meet you!"

Shadow almost scoffed at their choice of names. He'd been born Terios by her (which he had no problems with because it is a unique Japanese name), but the akuma called him his dark prince, his shadow. He wasn't a shadow of that villain, but all the humans referred to him as that. Terios was only by her, but even she called him Shadow at times. He only accepted it because it was her. His love, his okaasama. My little Shadow. These fools had the choice of picking their names, unlike him, and he felt they picked foolishly.

"Bloody hell" was all he said.


Shadow and Rouge exchanged glances.

Sonic laughed. "This is totally that Spider-Man meme right now!"

The question marks above Shadow's head were obvious, and he scrunched his nose and growled in frustration and annoyance. He had no time for games.

"Good evening, apologies for the run-in, good-bye," he said, and turned on his heel, Rouge at his side.

Knuckles bolted, cutting them off. His excessive speed had startled even Sonic. Amethyst eyes were fixed on the Emerald in Shadow's hands.

"That does not belong to you, hedgehog," he said, baritone rumbling.

"Then who does it belong to, hm?" asked Rouge in a slightly demanding tone, akimbo. "Is your name engraved on it somewhere?"

"I am the Guardian of the Emeralds. They were separated in a great battle and we have been hunting them for quite some time."

"Then, as a Guardian, aren't you supposed to be guarding something?" asked Shadow.

Rouge was suspicious that someone so young (and possibly dumb? He looked like he had more muscle than brain!) was the Guardian. Such a position was sacred.

"Give the Emerald to us, boy."

"Kindly return it to us," corrected in the golden fox.

Before anything else could be said, there was a whirring noise and the sound of weapons cocking.

"Heya, kids! So glad to run into you!"

They all looked up to find Robotnik, resplendent in red and black.

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