The Pony

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''Dude! We need to get home! She's already at a force five on the guilt trip scale!'' Darwin says, with hastle, announcing Gumball. When all of a sudden, Rob appears in front of the boys, blocking them and their way to go down the street.

''Gumball, Darwin! What's up, guys?'' He cheerfully greets them, but gets nervous and confused stares from the two. He already knew the reason; they didn't remember him nor his name, yet again. And they don't even wanna admit to it!

''Heeeeeeey... Rich?'' Gumball starts, trailing from mid-sentence before taking a wild guess of the cyclops' name. But, that wasn't it. And so it made Rob's smile fade.

''Did you just call me 'Rich' like it was a question?''

Gumball facepalms, ''Did I say 'Rich'? I'm- I'm sorry, dude. I meant, uh.. your name.'' says and sweats. Darwin just smiles nervously.

''Which is?'' Rob asks, waiting. Gumball and Darwin both laugh nervously, sweating like never before.

''Which is!?'' He demands again, repeating. Both sigh, Rob puts his hands on his hips, still waiting. Darwin opens his mouth as if he remembers, but doesn't.

''ROB! My name is Rob!'' He yells all of a sudden, startling the kids.

''Rob!'' Gumball repeats after him, now impatient and ready to leave with his brother, ''Of course, man, I'm sorry. Hey, listen, we're in a massive hurry, but we should totally hang out soon. I'll- I'll call you, bro.'' getting ready to leave after stuttering, they get blocked by Rob again.

''You don't have my number. You don't remember me at all, do you? And this! This is just some hollow promise!''

''Dude, it's not that! We've just been distracted because, uh...'' Darwin speaks up, trying to think of some excuse when he notices an open manhole right behind them, ''the funniest thing just happened. See that hole?'' he points at it.

Rob leans over it to look, he doesn't even see Darwin coming up from behind him, and the next thing he knows is he gets kicked down the hole.

''Darwin! I can't believe you just did that!'' Gumball yells, not remembering what he meant the second after.

''Did what?''

''Uh- I don't remember.'' They both finally leave.


The DVD Gumball and Darwin had before happens to roll onto the sewer grate, slipping through after being in a chase. Both siblings yell, ''NOO!''

Luckily for them, Rob, who is still trapped inside the sewers, appears with the disc in his hand.

''Yeah! Thanks, Rich!'' Rob frowns at this.

''Oh, uh, I meant Ralph!'' Again, Rob inhales in anger, tossing the DVD away, leaving it to the two. Now, wasn't that annoying? They kicked him down a manhole and didn't even help him out!

Evolution Of Rob | The Amazing World Of Gumballحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن