Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Welcome to Shuchi'in Academy (Ren)

Riding the train was something Ren hadn't seen himself doing in his life, or at least, for the time being. Sure, America had trains, but not many people used them. Especially where he lived. The metro was usually filthy, with garbage piling around and vermin lurking under the train tracks. Inside was no better. Usually, there would be a ruckus or something going on. Like people hosting fights, playing instruments, and all sorts of things, He shredded at the idea of riding a train back home.

Here in Japan was different. Everything was pristine clean and people actually behaved normally. Not to mention it wasn't particularly expensive and was far better than riding a bike to school or even worse, going with aunt Ruka in her cop car. He dreaded to think about what Kai was going through.

Chuckling to himself, Ren folded his arms and closed his eyes in his seat, waiting for the train to come to a stop. Still, he couldn't help but be concerned about what his new school had in store for him. He was fine going to a regular school and going unnoticed, merely becoming part of the common crowd. But now he was sure to stick out like a sore thumb. Going to a school full of rich kids where getting a scholarship is neigh impossible was eating at him.

But then again, this could help him. If colleges saw he came from such a prestigious school, they'd be more interested in him. It was a gamble, but in the long run, it would benefit him immensely. All he had to do was keep up his grades and get involved in clubs to make himself look better.

"Though Kai certainly worries me." He mumbled to himself, noticing the train was slowly coming to a halt at the station."But if he said he can handle it, I guess I have to trust him. Now it's all up to me."

As he had expected, the walk from the station to the school itself was sort of awkward. He got stares from other students, who probably realized that he was brand new to their school. Of course, he couldn't let that bother him. But he did feel out of place. He made sure to look presentable in his uniform, but he supposed that the hoodie under the jacket was a bit much. He couldn't help it. He felt safer with the sweater on as if it was providing him an invisible layer of protection. It was a good thing he had his AirPods plugged in, listening to some nightcore music.

It wasn't much, but it helped him ignore the whispers going around him as he walked, choosing to look down at the street. He took a peek at his watch, realizing that he had at least ten minutes before classes officially started. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure how he would find his homeroom. He was approaching the school and noticed just how huge it was, so finding his room while having no idea about the layout would be a problem. He stopped at the stoplight as soon as it turned red, cursing his luck since now he'd be even more late.

"Watch out!"

Ren turned on his heel, watching as a blonde student attempted to skid to a halt. The purple-eyed teen cringed at the sound of shoes grinding against concrete, and could swear he saw smoke coming out of the youth's shoes. He wasn't coming to a stop in time, however, so he used his last resort and used the breaks as hard as he could. Judging by his slim figure, this was a mistake, and the young man was launched out of his bike, threatening to land in the middle of traffic. On instinct, Ren jumped in the middle, catching the boy in his arms but slamming him against the light post.

"Ow..." Ren rubbed his head, feeling the bump appearing already.

"I'm so sorry!" The young man scurried back to his feet, offering a hand for Ren."Are you okay?"

"Yeah. But why the hell are you going too damn fast? You trying to break a record or something?" Ren took his hand, still hearing the buzzing noise in his ears after such a blow to the head.

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