chapter one- 'stop'

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You had literally sped to school on foot when you realised you woke up late. In the corner of your eye, you spotted Finney and Gwen and...Robin.
Your blood boiled at the thought of him. Ever since that one argument you had a few months ago, it ruined your friendship. It made you feel sad how it did that, but it happened.

You walked up to three and just ignored Robin. 'Hey Finn, hey Gwen.' Robin scoffed as you ignored his existence. 'Hey y/n, are you okay? You look out of breathe.' Finn asked. Gwen nodded in agreement. 'Because I am.' You replied. Robin glared at you as you didn't say a single word to him. The bell rang for students to get to the next class. You waved to the pair of siblings and ran to your first class.

Opening the door, you tried to ignore the whispers of everyone else. 'Well, Ms/Mr l/n, you certainly didn't waste anytime with your..mischief.' The teacher said. The whole class started whispering and giggling even more while you rolled your eyes. As you were walking to your seat, someone stuck their foot out to make you trip. You didn't trip, just stumbled. You looked at the person who attempted to trip you and it was Robin. Giving him a glare, you finally made it to your seat, which HAD to be next to him. He smirked as you sighed.

During the whole class, Robin kept on annoying you to the point where you lost it. 'Can you stop it? Your so annoying!' You shouted angrily at Robin. 'Ms/Mr y/n! That is enough! Go to the principal, now!' The teacher shouted, irritated at the fact the class was interrupted. You clenched your fist and had an idea. 'Robin was the one who was annoying me.' You said with a trying-to-be-hidden smirk on your face. Robin looked angry. 'Then Mr Arellano will be sent to the principal as well as you.' You smirked and left the room.

You were on your way to the principal's office when you were suddenly pinned to the hard lockers. 'What's your problem, l/n?' Robin said angrily. You scoffed in anger. 'What's MY problem? Your the one ending our friendship over an argument and acting like we had nothing ever!' You replied, 'You always annoy me, or make mean comments and remarks about me, and you wonder why I have a problem with you?' He looked like he got even angrier at what you said, instead, he just let you go and walked to the principals office clenching his fists. You literally had to run to the principals office to get their on time.

'Welcome, Ms/Mr l/n and Mr Arellano. I have heard from many of your teachers about your..feud.' Mrs ____ said. 'Today, you will be spending the rest of your school day in this room to help you two end whatever it is.' Robin sighed at the same time as you. 'Ma'am, with all due respect, me and Robin, don't work together well. It would be easier to keep it that way then to make up.' You said. Robin nodded in agreement. He looked...upset? 'Well, you will have to make up eventually, as it affects your academic focus. I will be back when last period ends. You both better have made some progress by then.' Then, she left. For the next five minutes, you just sat in silence. 'So?' Robin said. You were confused. 'So what?' You said. 'So are you not gonna say anything about this? Your not even going to try to do anything?' 'What do you mean about us? It's not like we're friends, not in my eyes.' You replied with a blank face. He sighed and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

You got your notebook out of your backpack and started writing random things. 'What are you doing?' Robin asked. You ignored him. He got out of his chair and did something half-surprising. He slapped you. 'Ow!What the hell?' You asked him. He narrowed his eyes at you. 'We'll be stuck here for the next five hours and your not even trying to say anything to me?' He asked with a tone of irritation. You were surprised. Why would Robin,of all people, want to talk to you after your countless months of feuding? 'Fine, what do you want?' You said. He gave a sarcastic smile that seemed not-so-sarcastic. 'I'll tell you what I want.'

It was the second hour in of your feud fixing. Sadly, you agreed to listen to Robin. You had to both write some dumb things about your least favourite teachers and stick them all over the walls. Atleast you got to let it all out, after being very tempted to flip off your least favourite teacher. 'Well Robin..thanks for that experience, I guess.' A small smile crept up onto his face when you said that. 'I enjoyed it aswell... we haven't had that much fun in a while. Not ever since-' 'I know Robin, and after this experience, I was hoping we could become, ya know, friends again.' You smiled at him after your sentence. He nodded slowly,'I'd like that,y/n.'

After about an hour of talking, Mrs ___ walked in. Your heads shot up at her as soon as she threw the door open. 'Well? Made any progress?' She asked. You smiled,'Loads, Mrs ____.'

Robin was happy. Very happy. He was full of excitement after months of not being friends. The day he dreamed of finally came. He couldn't wait to tell Finney and Gwen all about it.

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