chapter three- 'wonders'

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'Finn, what are you doing?' You asked him with a slight tone of annoyance and irritation. He motioned for you to follow him. With one last kick at the girl, you left and followed Finm. 'Okay, Robin is mad at you because apparently the girl you beat up is one of his close friends.' He said. You had a sarcastic laugh spill out of you. 'Finn, I really don't care if he's mad at me. It's not like that'll stop me from punching the shit out that dumb girl.' You replied. Finney nodded and walked away. Something deep in your mind, you were kind of upset that Robin was mad at you. But, you had to do what was done.

Walking into the hallway, you were approached by Vance. 'Hey V, what's up?' You asked him. For some reason, he was in a better mood, like unusually. 'Woah, why are you so different today.' You nervously laughed. 'Im proud of you, y/n. Ya know, you defended yourself. Surprisingly.' He replied. You both laughed for a bit and decided to go sit down outside. There was nothing else to do anyway. 'So,V, I'm still wondering, who's the person you have a crush on?' You asked,probably for the 500th time this week. 'That, is something you'll never know.' He replied, also for the 500th time this week. 'Oh come onn, I know you'll tell me, eventually.' You predicted. He had a little chuckle. You were just talking for a while, until Robin came up to you.

'y/n, we need to talk.' He said with anger. 'But-' 'Now.' You were actually enjoying your time with Vance. You nodded at Robin. 'See ya, Vance.' You followed Robin. 'Why did you beat her up?' He asked. You were confused for a moment. 'Beat up who..?' You replied. He sighed with irritation. 'You know who I mean.' 'Ohhh,her. Well, she was annoying me.' And it was true, but he didn't believe you. 'Naysa said you were picking on her for no reason. She was literally crying when she came over to me. She was so bloody and bruised. What the hell did you do to her?' He lectured you. Before your proper argument, you'd always go to Robin and hang out with him when someone would hurt you. 'I'm wondering why you care so much. It's not your business.' You questioned him. 'It is if it involves my friends.' He answered. 'But I'm your friend as well!' You said, what you thought to be truthfully. 'We're not friends.' He said with a blank expression on his face. You frowned at his words. You picked up your backpack and walked away. 'Hey,y/n! Wait up!' The familiar voice of Vance called for you from behind.

When he finally caught up to you, he had put his hand on your shoulder to stop you when you tried to walk away from him. 'Hey, what's wrong? What did Arellano say to you that bummed you out this much?' He asked with slight concern. 'Since when did you care for me?' You asked him with confusion. 'Hey, your my best friend. Since when have I never?' He said. It made you happy that atleast one person slightly cared about you. You slightly smiled without realising. 'So,are you gonna tell me what happened with Arellano,or not?' He asked,again. You rolled your eyes playfully. 'Fine, only because your cool with me.'

After telling him about your conversation with Robin, you two decided to go to the grab n' go. It was the one place where you two had actual fun. Of course, all Vance did was play pinball. You just wandered around, bought snacks for you and Vance, watched him play pinball, then did it again. It was fun watching Vance play,somehow. Until, some kid bumped into the pinball machine, shutting it off. 'Oh shit.' You said to yourself. This was gonna get bad. Vance was literally enraged.
'You messed up my game!' Vance shouted angrily. The poor dude was stuttering and scared. 'I-I'm sorry.!' He kept on repeating. He didn't know what was coming for him. Vance threw a few punches into the kids face, then kicking him,hard,in the stomach. The cashier pressed some button, probably to notify the police. 'Vance, calm down,let's go.' You literally had to drag him by the arm just to get him out of there.

'Vance, calm down. Just play next time.' You told him. He sighed, annoyed. 'I almost beat my highscore. That little idiot had to mess it all up.' He moaned. You had assured him that it was okay around fifty times after that.'Vance, I think I'm gonna head home now. Be safe.' You said before running off without letting him say a word. As soon as you got home, you ran into your bedroom and sunk into the bed. After around ten minutes of doing random things back and forth, your mom called you downstairs. 'y/n! Your friends are here!' She shouted. That was weird. The only visitors you ever had were Great Aunt Gale and Olivia, your Mom's friend. 'Coming,Mom!' You shouted back.

You ran down the stairs super fast,almost falling down. You ran to the door to see Gwen, Finney and Robin standing there. You didn't mind Gwen coming, she was like a sister to you. Finney was okay, but your feud with Robin got in the way of your friendship. And Robin, why was he here? 'Okay so ,y/n, we're here to help you sort out you new feud with Robin.' Gwen announced. You were confused but nodded, letting them know they could come in. You told them to follow you into your bedroom. Now, what was supposed to happen?

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