chapter two- 'battles'

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You and Robin were walking out of school together. You decided to have lunch together outside, to catch up with whatever you hadn't spoken about. Then, Finney and Gwen ran up to you guys with a look of shock on their faces.'Wait, Robin Arellano and y/n l/n hanging out with each other? This is a nice surprise.' Gwen said, making you laugh. 'Yeah, who though you two would ever make up? Wait, is this real? When did this happen?' Finney kept on bombarding you two with questions. 'Okay, guys, calm down. We'll answer your questions sooner or later.' Robin shut them down. Gwen and Finney nodded. They were just happy their two best friends were trying to become best friends again.

'So, um, y/n. Are you interested in anyone?' Robin asked. It was an unusual question, especially from Robin. But, you decided to answer it truthfully. 'Yeah, I guess. I'm kind of interested in Bruce Yamada. Ya know, Finney's baseball nemesis is what you could call him.' You answered. Nobody was really supposed to know, but it didn't hurt to tell one person. Even though that person was someone you just became friends with (again) two hours ago. You really hoped you wouldn't regret that. 'Wow, a baseball star? I'm impressed. I didn't know y/n's standards were that high.' He laughed, with a little anger? You shrugged it off.

The bell rang for you to go to science. Finney had science, so you wouldn't be completely alone. 'Well, I'll see you later Robin.' You both said your goodbyes and you ran over to your science class, bumping into someone. You looked up to see it was Bruce, offering you a hand. 'Thanks Bruce. Sorry about that.' You apologized. He laughed softly. 'It's okay, happens to the best of us.' He replied, giving you a soft hit on the shoulder. Then,walking into class. Finney was already seated,and he notified you to go sit by him. He looked worried. 'Hey Finn. What's wrong? You look stressed.' You asked him. Did something happen? Thoughts were going through your head when he said something that would shock you. 'Um, well..' He stuttered. 'Spit it out, Finn.' You told him. 'Robin kind of, asked Bruce to uh.. fight him in the courtyard after school?' He blurted out. Your eyes literally threatened to pop out of the sockets. 'WHAT?' You whisper-yelled.
'Mhm.' Is Robin really that dumb, why would he do that? Oh, this is bad. He's gonna scar Bruce real bad. You decided that when you could, you'd confront Robin and ask him why he'd do that.

Class ended, and you were going to pull Robin into a janitors closer, it wasn't something for every idiot in the hallway to here. But before that, a tall figure came up to you. 'Hey, y/n.' The deep voice said. You knew who it was. You softly elbowed the figure in the shoulder. 'Hey, V. You do realize you don't scare me like you used to, right?' You replied, the figure being Vance Hopper. He used to scare you before you got to know him. He was (fairly) nice to people who were his friends. 'Yeah I do, but I like to try freak you out, even though it doesn't work like it used to.' It was shocking to people how you could become friends with THE Vance Hopper, the school's biggest bully. No wonder people were scared with you. If they wanted to do something to you, they'd have to go through him. 'Vance, what class do you have next?' You asked him. 'Fucking English.' He replied with anger. You laughed. 'See you later then, asshole.' You told him. He rolled his eyes. 'You too,bitch.' He replied.

You saw Robin in the hallway and threw him into the janitor's closet and locked the door behind you two. 'What the hell, y/n!' He said. You sighed, a bit louder than expected. 'Robin, why would you tell Bruce to fight with you after school? You know you'd basically kill him.' You asked. He was silent. 'So? Why?' You repeated. 'For fun, of course. What's a day of school without no fun?' He finally answered your question. Not truthfully though, but you didn't know that. Not yet, atleast. 'Oh, well um, try not to hurt him too much,ya know.' You told Robin. You didn't want Bruce, of all people, to get hurt being forced to mess with Robin. 'No promises.' He laughed. Your face became serious. 'Robin, I'm serious.' You told him. 'Okay, okay. I promise not to hurt him, loads.' You smiled at his reply and unlocked the door,walking out. You decided you were just gonna skip class, you were already late. So, you decided to just write things down.

After sitting down for a bit, a familiar face snatched your notebook. 'Well, look what the cat dragged in.' She giggled. It was Naysa. Your bully. 'What do you want, Noyso.' You smirked at the nickname you gave her, which made her feel enraged. She tugged on your hair and threw you to a locker across the hall. 'Don't call me that, idiot!' She shouted. Another smirk came onto your face. 'Shouldn't have done that, Noyso.' She was distracted by her confusion, so you used that to give her a hard punch in her face. She screamed in pain. You started kicking and punching her in the stomach, making her cry out every time. A crowd gathered around you two. 'Look who's down now.' You smirked. Surprisingly, you saw Finney, Robin and Gwen watching you in the crowd. They seemed a bit disappointed and walked away. You frowned at the sight.

A few minutes of fighting later, an arm grabbing yours stopped you from throwing a hard punch. It was.. Finney?

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