A Strange Hotel..? (TEASER)

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acunn66202010, this is your 'something with scout' request. Sorry for taking so long. (random note: i wrote that 'Sorry for taking so long' in OCTOBER. hotel+ came out and I'm only now getting this chapter out.)

"Scout, Sniper. Do you copy?"

"Loud and clear, we're entering the elevator."

"Remember, your goal is to find anything that can help us uncover what's behind Grave Digger's army."

"Alright, we got it. Going down."

As the elevevator went down, Scout could only feel a sense of dread. 

"Y'alright?" Sniper asked.

Scout replied: "Yeah, I just think something's gonna happen here..."

Just then, there was a loud crash coming from below. Both towers noticed it quickly.

"Scout..? Did you just hear that..?" Sniper asked wearily.

"I did. Hopefully whatever probably broke down there wasn't important."

The music in the elevator suddenly changed to that of upbeat jazz, instead of calming, soft music.

Scout noticed. "That's weird. Must be some glitch."

The elevator stopped.

"I don't think that's a glitch..." Sniper started to look worried.

And then-
The elevator kept going down.

"Scout? You're sweating."

"I know. This is just quite tense."

As the music came to a close right as they reached the bottom, the elevator door opened.

revealing.. a hotel lobby.

"Uh.. this.. doesn't look like something you'd see in an abandoned hospital." Sniper remarked.

"No, no.. Look. These fallen ceiling boards have cobwebs on them. All these suitcases are destroyed and have nothing in them. This place is probably abandoned too."

"uhm.. I guess? This place is kind of falling apart, anyway."

Looking around the lobby, Scout and Sniper found some drawers with gold coins and a key to a door, the door marked '0001'.

Scout shrugged his shoulders, and said; "Welp, nothing else to do."
As Scout unlocked and opened the door, him and Sniper were taken aback by the large words carved into the wall, like they had been etched there by some huge beast. They read:



christ, i started writing this chapter when?? august??
this even isnt the full version!

sorry for taking so long..

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