The World Outside (Plushie Commander)

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Commander was sitting in his office, scrolling through a website he liked to visit.
"Heh. That's a good one."
Commander had been looking for a way to organize better, as the papers scattered on his desk said so perfectly, but he was taking a break for a bit. And just as he started to feel comfortable, the door was kicked open.
Commander jumped, and dropped his phone, as DJ came dashing into his office.

Commander was confused, what did DJ mean? His confusion turned to terrorized curiosity.


"What.. who's they-"
And then Commander's world went black.

A few seconds later, Commander could move, but it was still pitch black. A doorbell sounded. Commander could hear a faint
"Ooh! I'll get it, I'll get it!!"
Seconds later, the sound of a door opening followed by Commander's body being jostled around hit him. A cardboard feeling-like noise sounded, and light poured into what Commander was sitting in. Staring down at him was a Tower child, but something was off. Almost all their facial features were missing, besides their wide smile, and their entire body was blinding white, which made them look more like an unfinished drawing than a Tower.
At this moment, Commander glanced downwards and saw that he looked like a plush. But Commander's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the Tower child picked him up and squeezed him tight to their body.
"Mom, it came! I love it!!"
Another voice sounded, which must have been the child's mother, who was out of sight,
"Well, make sure to bring it up to your room."
Commander did not have time to think as the child began sprinting up the stairs, passing a bathroom, a closed door, and finally stopping at an open door.
"Ready..? Welcome to my room, Commander!"
'How do they know my name?'

The child walked through the door and Commander saw a simple room, with a one bed bunk bed, books covering the floor, a desk with drawing papers scattered around, and a closet with a dresser.
The child was ecstatic, almost tripping over themselves to put him down onto a desk.
"I'll be just a second.."
While the child was rummaging through their dresser, Commander could finally look around.

'what the hell.. where am i..?'

Commander looked around the desk, to see the child's drawings. There was a birthday card for 11, doodles of something wearing a cloak and bearing a sword, something saying 'git gud', and a covered-up drawing. Commander inched towards it to flip it over. He did,
And saw Penumbras. And Swamp Monster. And Ranger, and DJ, and half of the Titans. The page was labeled 'TDS doodles or something, i gotta get better at this'
Commander gasped, and fell over.
'great, i've fallen and i can't get up.'

The child finished looking through their closet and came out with.. nothing.
"Alright Commander, you're coming up!"

Commander was picked up and while the child climbed the ladder up to their bunk bed, Commander was thinking.
'How do they know who we are? Why do I even look like this? How on EARTH did this child get close enough to not be killed but still get such clear drawings of the Titans?'

But Commander's thoughts were broken again as the child and him reached the top of the bunk. The child placed him down and left the room, as their mother was calling them.
Commander scanned the bed. There was a cat with sunglasses on, a small polar bear, a light cyan-colored hedgehog, and a skeleton.

But as soon as the child closed the door, the skeleton spoke.

"welcome to the group, pal."



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