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Name: Isabelle/Isa

Age: 30/Unknown

Physical description: white blonde hair, cyan eyes, (first seen wearing a-) puritan collared white puffed long sleeved dress, blue flats.


Facts about Isa

She's a witch

she started to kill people her own kind secretly when she was 14

she started killing people when she was 9

she can control people using her magic

she uses witches, frogs and human eyeballs for her potions


Isabelle grew up in a traumatic household her mom and dad would argue 24/7

and Isabelle had to raise her own self- and her magic

so um her dad would yell at her if she broken something or if she lost in a fight :)

yet her mom doesn't want her to get into a fight but she still yells if Isa did get into one or broke something


When her mom died at the age of 56 her dad blames her but then her dad died at the age of 68

so she had to kill people for the things she need for her potions because she sells the potions

she learnt the potions and spells from the witch library which that's where she learn her magic


Isa never felt love she only felt hatred but when she was with Mason she felt love for the first time.

but Mason wasn't so much of a nice guy he betrays her with a maid :)

so DRAMA goes real


but when she saw Jade dead on the entrance she felt hatred for Jane and the guards 

like how her dad felt hatred for Isabelle? yeah that's how Isabelle felt hatred for Jane.


that's pretty much it.

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