•Alex's DEATH• (Good ending)

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Alex's death was when he was like 19. Jane got steaked by the chest so many times by Blaìre, Jane was about to kill Blaìre with the HARMING Potion but Blaìre steaked Jane in the chest instead. Alex was very depressed because of that- He had no one to be with, PLUS Jane was the one who told him EVERYTHING and she even makes him clothes. AND made him a cottage next to the castle. It was very depressing for Blaìre seeing Alex being sad but he was evil even though. he was manipulated by Jane. he's still evil. Blaìre soon left after she steaked Jane. and while walking she NOTICED Alex walking towards Jane's body then bursting into TEARS

She then followed Alex because he was walking towards some sort of golden tree Forest or something then she saw him steak himself :)

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