The Bad Boy

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"CARA GET UP YOU'RE LATE!!!!!!" my alarm clock screamed. Wait, screamed? Oh wait that wasn't my alarm clock, it was my mum.

I sat up on my bed immediately and looked at the clock.


I changed into some random clothes from my wardrobe, not caring about how ridiculous I was going to look. Then I rushed to the bathroom with my bag to brush my teeth while combing my hair. I know I'm a professional multi-tasker.

I ran down the stairs and out of the house. I checked the time on my watch. I was already late for my first lesson and my school was a good 15- minute walk away. Life is beautiful.

I ran as fast as I could, attempting to get to school faster but nothing ever works out for me because the next thing I know, I was on the ground and my knees were scraped. They were bleeding so much too.

I stayed in this position on the ground for a few seconds before I heard footsteps approaching me. My heart started to beat faster. What if it was a murderer? Or a kidnapper? I started to scream my head off.

"No please don't kidnap me I'm just an innocent girl trying to get to school!" I pleaded, squeezing my eyes shut.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at the 'murderer'.

There, stood towering above me, was Drew Bradley, the notorious bad boy at school. He was staring at me with one of his eyebrows raised, looking very amused.

Oh gosh he looked amazing in that black leather jacket and dark blue jeans. His blonde hair was so perfect I wanted to just run my fingers through it. His blue eyes were shining so brightly it was like I was staring at a diamond.

"Um, are you alright?" he asked, breaking my reverie. I quickly snapped my mouth shut before I started drooling.

"Uh yeah yeah I'm you know just chilling." I smiled.

"On the ground? With your knees bleeding? I don't think so." Drew chuckled.

I wanted to slap myself so much. I was such a goon.

I started to stand up slowly, my knees sore, before I started falling forwards.

A pair of strong arms grabbed me by my waist and steadied me. I could have fallen on my face oh my goodness!

"Careful there." Drew said, releasing my waist.

"Oh um thanks...See... See you around I guess." I mumbled, starting to walk away.

"Wait! Don't you need a ride?" Drew asked. How did he even know that I went to his school? Weird..

"Sure! That'd be awesome." I replied warmly, looking around for his car. Then I spotted a bike. No, I wasn't going to get on that. Never ever, in my life, over my dead body.

I followed behind Drew praying that he owned a car. When he finally stopped, I looked up and it was the bike.

Yay life.

He got on the bike and waited. After a few seconds, I guess he got annoyed because he was scowling.

"Get on, are you waiting for Christmas?!" he asked. Yep, he was definitely annoyed.

I sighed. I had no choice. I got on the bike carefully.

"Hold on tight." Drew said softly.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned forwards.

With that, he started the bike, causing me to jump. I wrapped my arms tighter around Drew.

A million questions were in my head. Why am I on a bike? Why am I with Drew? How did he know of my existence? What's with bad boys and bikes?

But right now, I do not have anything to worry about. I just got to hold on, close my eyes, and enjoy the roller coaster that is life.


Chapter 1. Hope you guys enjoyed it! :)


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