She Must Be Special

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At lunch, I found Danielle and Luke sitting at our usual table. Luke was my best guy friend. Danielle, Luke and I have been friends since we were five and now we're closer than ever.

Danielle waved enthusiastically once she saw me.

"Tell me everything!" Danielle gushed.

I sighed and told her everything.

By the time I was done, the final bell rang and Danielle's food was left untouched. Danielle had a wide grin spread across her face and Luke was smiling too.

"I'm so happy for you, Cara!" Luke clapped excitedly. It was hilarious to see a guy like this.

"Well there's nothing to be happy about though.." I said deadpan.

"This is obviously something to be happy about! He likes you! He's never this nice to somebody!" Danielle shrieked. Mm, that's true.

"Whatever you say sis." I answered, shrugging my shoulders, acting like it wasn't a big deal when I'm actually screaming my head off in my mind.

We cleared our trays and walked to our next class together.


After school, I made my way to the detention room.

I pushed the door opened and spotted a Greek god sitting on one of the chairs in the classroom. How did he manage to look so flawless without even trying oh gosh...

"Like what you see?" Drew commented arrogantly, flexing his muscles for me.

My cheeks started to tingle with heat and I refused to look at him. There wasn't a teacher in the room so that meant that Drew and I were alone in a room. That thought made my stomach turn.

I made my way to the seat at the back of the class, the one that's the furthest away from Drew.

Drew got up his seat and walked towards me, staring at me intently.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

I thought I saw something flicker through his eyes but before I could make sure, he started grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"I just wanna talk to you, babyd- I mean Cara." He said awkwardly.

I giggled at his attempt to call me by my name. He was just so cute.

"I'm not cute!" He grumbled.

Did I honestly just say my thoughts out loud oh god, that was embarrassing.

"Drew you're so cute!" I said jokingly, knowing that this was going to annoy him.

The next thing I know, Drew's face was a few inches away from mine and I could feel his breath against my face.

"Call me cute again and I'm gonna kiss you." Drew said huskily.

My heart was beating so hard against my chest it was going to jump out of me any time soon.

His beautiful blue eyes pierced mine as he stared at me. I bit my lips, struggling to say something.

He pulled back suddenly, releasing a frustrated sigh.

I'd call you cute again for you to kiss me, Drew.

"What?" Drew questioned.

Damn, I did not just say my thoughts out loud again.

"Oh um nothing." I said, avoiding his gaze.

All of a sudden, a loud crash was heard. I turned to where the noise came from and saw two guys on the ground near the door with the table overturned.

The only thing that went through my mind was that they were together. Together, like together together.

"What's going on?" Drew asked, breaking my reverie.

When the two guys stood up, I could see their faces clearly.

Jake Adams and Kyle Brooks, two of Drew's best buddies. Damn I didn't know they were together. I mean, the girls in our school were all over them. Their hearts were going to be broken when they find out.

Jake and Kyle were both looking away, like they have done something really wrong.

"We were just looking out for you bro." Jake spoke up after a few seconds, grinning sheepishly.

"Yeah and what happened to bros before hoes huh? You're actually saying no to video games to hang out with her?!" Kyle accused.

"She's not a hoe." Drew muttered.

Wow, Drew was actually standing up for me. I can't breathe! I need air!

"Clearly. She must be special enough for you to say no to video games." Kyle grinned.

"She must be special"

"She must be special"

"She must be special"

Kyle's words kept repeating in my mind. Was I special to Drew? Did I really mean something to him?


Chapter 3<3

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