💞Detention Attention💞

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Thank you Ishimondo_smut for the idea!

This takes place in a no despair au

Kiyotaka POV

I was doing my patrol of the hallway to check for trouble makers because it's my job to do so. I turn around and see Kyōdai running in the halls! I really don't want to do this but I must. "Kyōdai! Running in the halls is not permitted in a school environment! " I said. "Sorry bro I was trying to get Leon, he's hiding somewhere and he has my phone!" Mondo complained. I frown and furrow my eyebrows "Ani that is still not an excuse! You should know better!" I slightly yelled.

Mondo looks at me with guilt in his eyes "Sorry Anki I'll try not to do it again!" He said. I pulled out a yellow slip and started writing him up for a detention "Ok I believe you Mondo, but I still have to give you a detention." Mondo then looks at me and smiles "Atleast you're watching over it! So it won't be so bad." Mondo states "Aleast" I say and smile.

Time skip

Mondo POV

The last bell had just rung I was happy school was over. I groan remembering I have a detention today, but I remember that Taka is watching over it. If any other member of the student council was watching it I would have skipped, but my best bro and crush was watching it!

Taka and I meet up and start walking to the detention. For a bit I started to think about what Kiyo had told me the night when we had the sauna competition. The words just going around my head "Me and you are morally black and white! We're complete opposites! That how I know we are going to have a strong friendship!" I feel my face flush just thinking about it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "Mondo! Are you there? You've been unresponsive for a minute!" Kiyo yells. "Ah shit! Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I scratched the back of my neck. "Laungage Kyōdai. But it's ok. How was school for u today?" He said.

I told him about my day, and he told me about his. Suddenly I remember how Taka gets flustered easily, and how he looks so cute when he is. Suddenly I had the greatest idea ever! I could flirt with him to make him flustered! Plus since it only me and him in there it would make things more interestin'.

Taka POV

We make it to detention Mondo, and I take our seats.I take out a really interesting book about a serial killer
I also saw Mondo got his phone back."Kyōdai put up your phone no entertainment in detention." I say sternly.

Mondo shuts his eyes and a sudden grin appears on his face. "Oh I'm not using this as entertainment. More as a distraction to the real entertainment." Mondo states proudly. I close my book, and raise an eyebrow. I was curious about what he meant by that. "The real entertainment is?" I re -stated.Mondo opens his eyes and looks at me. "You." (A/n: Yes I hate my self for this leave me alone) I feel my face burn up "Kyōdai" I said as I feel my voice crack. That's what happens when you yell all day with no water... "Such behavior is not allowed in detention!" I state "Was that to romantic for Yah? Would you prefer me to be more dirty?~" If I wasn't red already I was sure I am now. "K-kyōdai!" I was to flustered to speak properly.

Mondo POV

I could tell that Taka was flustered just by the stuttering, and the cute face he was making. "Ok, ok sorry anki!"

Kiyotaka looks down at the floor I chuckle slightly. He opens up back his book and starts reading again. I look at the clock on the wall. 4:20 (sorry not sorry) I have 40 more minutes left in here. After a bit of slacking off I realized I had homework, and it happens to be the subject I struggle the most with, it was math. I decided to ask Kiyo for help even tho I really didn't care much. "Bro can you help me with geometry?" I ask. Taka looks up from his book a gives me the sweetest smile. "Sure Mon, I can help you." He closes his book, gets up from his seat and ,comes over to me.

For the last 40 minutes Taka has been helping me. Taka looks at the clock and then looks at me. "Ani it's time for us to leave so let's pack up." In a minute Anki and I were all packed up and we headed out of detention. We reached the front of school and Kiyo was about to start walking.

Taka POV

As I start to walk home I feel Mondo grab my shoulder. I turn around and our eyes lock. His eye are so pretty. It's like he's a siren, his eyes just make me feel so sleepy and vulnerable."Taka would you like me to take you home?" He asks. I think for a bit. "Yes Kyōdai that would be nice, thank you." I bow. "No need to be formal bro s' just you n' me" He say. "Ok then" I said. "Lead the way!" We walk to the parking lot at the school. Mondo then walks up to his motorcycle and motioned for me to come on. "Do you know what to do, or do I need to show you?" He was probably thinking I wouldn't know how to. "No I know how to Kyōdai. My dad has taken me to school on one a couple of time because of the amount of time his force had to chase you and your gang around."

Mondo laughs a bit. "Alright then Mr hop on." I freeze "Mondo where are the helmets?" Mondo looks at me as if I was joking. "Taka did you forget who I am? Ultimate Biker Gang Leader? Ring a bell?" "But Mondo you could potentially seriously hurt yourself without wearing one!" I slightly yell.

Mondo POV

"Taka I've been doing this since 7th grade and haven't gotten in an accident yet. You, or me aren't getting hurt" Ishi looks in my eyes with worry. "You promise you'll be fine? He asks. Does he not care about himself?! "Yes Ani I promise we'll be safe" I feel my face get red as I say that, it also shows on Kiyo's face. I get on the bike and then Taka does the same. He wraps his arms around me tightly. I start up the engine.

3rd person POV

Mondo and Kiyoaka were just leaving the the school. After riding a bit Mondo speeds up this causes Taka to hold on to Mondo tightly. Taka starts to losen up a bit so he takes his face off of Mondo's back and rest his chin on Mondo's shoulder. Mondo feels Kiyotaka's breath on his neck and starts to blush a bit.

Mondo starts thinking of when they weren't friends. Now when Mondo looks back on how he would treat the hall monitor, he felt horrible. Kiyotaka on the other hand started to think about the time when mondo found out him a Yasuhiro were step siblings. Hiro had barged in Taka's room while Mondo and Taka were cuddling. Though that situation had caused Hiro to think that they were dating. But Hiro finally had let it go before Taka threatened to wrestle Yasuhiro which made him back down.

Taka POV

After the nice ride we reach my house."Thank you for taking me home Kyōdai! I really appreciate it." I say happily and get off the bike.
"No problem that's what bros are for!" He says. Mondo gets off the bike and walks me to my front door.

3rd person POV

Kiyotaka and Mondo look at each other in the eyes. They saw love in each other's eyes. The boys blush. Mondo harder than Taka. Mondo takes a step forward. Their eyes still lock together. They lean towards each other and closes their eyes. Finally their lips connect. Taka snakes his arms around Mondo's neck while Mondo holds Kiyotaka's waist.

Kiyotaka tilts his head to deepened the kiss. Sadly since humans can't live without air for to long they pull apart panting heavily. "T-that was fuckin' amazing." Mondo blurts out. Kiyo nods excitedly "Yes Mondo that was awesome!" Kiyo yelled. There was silence. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Ishi!" Mondo says. "See you Mon!" Kiyotaka happily yells. "Love you Taka" Mondo says. "Love you too Mondy." Taka replies. As of that, they part ways starstruck by what just happened.

The end!

1460 words!

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