Restaurant #2 | Chapter 3

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It has been 2 hours already. 2 hours of driving in the surfers boys pizza van. How far away was that restaurant!? Will was so tired, and the rest was too, except Hopper. He drank a bit too much coffee, and was still fully awake. More awake than somebody could ever be. The rest must have been jealous of him, because El, Will, Mike and Joyce were all almost falling asleep. "Hop, how far is this restaurant exactly? It feels like we've been driving for hours." Joyce said, her eyes almost falling shut. "We've only been driving for 2 hours! That's not much! It will take only a few minutes now, don't worry." Hopper said, but Joyce didn't agree a bit with him. 2 hours was way too long in Joyce's opinion.

Will was very tired too, just like the rest, but what he has noticed is that the headaches went away after they went out of Hawkins, which was super strange in Will's opinion. How could that even happen? How could he randomly feel better just because he isn't in Hawkins anymore? Will knew that Vecna would come back someday, but no way these headaches were because of Vecna, right? no way...

Will looked out of the window for a while, and his eyes finally fell shut, but not for long. Not even for a minute. The car stopped wildly, Making El, Mike and Will all almost jump out of their seats. They arrived at the restaurant. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Mike yelled loudly.

"JIM! BE CAREFUL WITH STOPPING CARS AND VANS FOR ONCE!" Joyce yelled too, her heart in her throat. Hopper found it really funny though, and he was laughing. "Sorry! I didn't expect this car to be so sensitive!" Hopper laughed. "Van, it's a van, dad." El corrected him, which left Hopper in total embarrassment. "Yeah right. I knew that." Hopper obviously lied, and he stopped laughing right after El said this, and now it was Joyce who was laughing at him.

"You okay?" Mike asked Will. Will turned his head to Mike in shock. Why would he randomly ask Will this? The truth was, Mike asked Will this because Mike knew how bad Will's headaches could be, so he thought maybe this half 'crash' made his headaches alot worse, so Mike decided to ask Will if he was okay, not knowing Will's headaches disappeared...for now.

"Uhm, I-I guess..." Will stuttered, blushing a little bit and Mike just nodded softly. "We're here, what are you guys waiting for!?" Hopper who already left the van said. Not only Hopper left the van, but El and Joyce did too. Mike and Will didn't even realize this. "We're coming!" Will yelled back. Will opened the door of the van, and left the van with Mike, the van door closed behind them.

Hopper, Joyce, Will, Mike and El now all walked into the restaurant. Will was pretty scared, because he doesn't really like to go to places he doesn't know. Will looked down while fidgeting with his shirt, until he saw something that caught his eyes. A poster of his favorite movie, Jaws. Why in a restaurant though? Will got curious, so he decided to walk to the poster. He looked at it for a while, until someome pushed him so hard that he ALMOST fell to the floor.

"WHAT THE---" Will said, not wanting to swear at all since he wasn't like that. The only cuss word he ever said was shit. That's all. Will looked up and saw a random guy standing infront of him. He was about 18 or 19 years old, so not really his age. He had blonde curly hair, he was wearing a blue with white shirt that looked pretty expensive, he was wearing black jeans, gray shoes that looked expensive and he had brown eyes. "Aw, did i just push a freak?" The guy said while Will just looked confused at him. He had no idea who this guy was.

"Your clothes look like it was found in a trashcan, couldn't your mommy afford more?" the guy laughed. His laugh sounded annoying and ugly. "Uhm, who are yo-" before Will could even finish his sentence, the guy who bullied Will got pushed pretty hard by someone, and that person was Mike Wheeler. "Leave him alone, douchebag!" Mike yelled at the bully. Mike now grabbed Will's hand, and walked away from that bully. "Let's go, Will."

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