Alcohol | Chapter 13

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It was late in the morning and everyone was already awake except Mike and Will. They were still sleeping peacefully in the same bed next to each other, Will now facing the wall and Mike holding him. Just like always, the morning was cold but pretty sunny, and the cold was slowly waking Mike up. It was like he was still dreaming, but awake at the same time. Like your mind is half awake but your body is still fully sleeping. This was until Mike heard a pretty loud noise. It was a door slamming shut. This noise snapped Mike out of his thoughts, meaning he was now fully awake.

What the hell was that!? Mike thought to himself. The cabin was basically the only house in the whole forest meaning they didn't had neighbours, so it couldn't have been the neighbours or something. Mike just decided to ignore the weird noise and check on his boyfriend to see if he was still sleeping or if the loud noise woke him up. He turned his head to Will and luckily he was still sleeping peacefully. How did that sound not wake him up? Was he really sleeping that deep?

Since it was already late in the morning Mike decided to wake Will up too so he wouldn't be sleeping until afternoon. Mike sat up in the bed and then started shaking Will awake a few times.


First time, no response.


Second time, still no response.

"Will wake up!"

After shaking Will for the third time there was finally a response. Will groaned, opened his eyes and then finally looked at his boyfriend Mike who was sitting next to him, already fully awake. "Mike i was sleeping!" Will said in an annoyed tone with a very sleepy voice, trying to continue sleeping by grabbing his pillow and laying his head on it. "Will come on, It's late!" Mike said, shaking Will again so he wouldn't fall asleep but all Will did was groan and ignore Mike. "Well if you're going to play it like that, then i guess you won't get eggos, Willy." Mike said with an smirk on his face.

Mike knew how much Will hated to be called Willy, so he called him it just to annoy him. "You did not just call me that!" Will said while he sat up in the bed as fast as possible. "Well atleast it worked!" Mike laughed. Will now went closer to Mike and pushed him as hard as possible on the bed and got on top of him. He now started tickling Mike, making him laugh even more. "Will! come on! stop! we need to eat breakfast!" Mike laughed but Will just continued tickling Mike more and more. After a few minutes Mike finally found a way to push Will off, and all Mike could do right now was gasp for air.

"That's what you get for disrespecting your boyfriend, frog face!" Will said, crossing his arms as a joke. "Ok dad." Mike joked while he finally calmed down from laughing. "Let's eat breakfast now, shall we?" Mike said and Will nodded. They now both got off of the bed and walked to the door of the bedroom. They opened the door of the bedroom, but as soon as they opened it they realized nobody was home. No Hopper, no Joyce, no El, Just Will and Mike. "Uhm? That's strange..." Mike said while looking at the empty living room with a confused face.

They both walked out of the bedroom, into the living room with the door of their bedroom closed behind them and then decided to search some of the parts of the house. They searched the bathroom, their searched in the shed and Will even searched outside but there was no one. "I'll search in the kitchen and if no one is there i give up." Mike said as he walked back inside with the door closed behind him, Will behind him following him. "Don't you think that if they were home they would have already said good morning to you?" Will said confused, Mike shrugged. "I don't care, i'll still search in the kitchen." Mike said while he walked into the kitchen.

Will just rolled his eyes and sighed in an annoyed way. Oh my- he is so dumb sometimes. Will thought to himself. When Mike went into the kitchen he saw nobody as expected. The only thing he saw was a small yellow note on the fridge which made Mike confused. He walked to the fridge and grabbed the yellow note and decided to read it.

"𝓜𝓮, 𝓶𝓸𝓶 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓪𝓭 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼. -𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶, 𝓔𝓵."
("Me, mom and dad are getting groceries. -From, El.")

Mike was pretty sure this note was meant only for Will since Hopper and Joyce weren't like parents to Mike. "They're just getting groceries!" Mike yelled at Will from the kitchen. "Wasn't really unexpected. I already told you they probably weren't home!" Will said while Mike just rolled his eyes in a yeah, yeah whatever way which made Will laugh. Mike put the yellow note written by El back on the fridge and then walked back to the living room where his boyfriend Will was.

"What should we do now we are home alone?" Mike asked as he plopped down on the couch, Will plopped down next to him. "Watch a movie together?" Will recommended and Mike nodded. "We can watch ghostbusters, starwars or jaws." Will recommended and now Mike got quiet. He had seen all those movies atleast 5 times, no way he was going to rewatch them again, he didn't wanna disappoint Will and make him sad though. "Uhm..." Mike said, and this is when Will noticed Mike didn't want to watch those movies at all. Will sighed. "If you don't wanna watch these movies you can just say it, you know?" Will said.

"But what else could we do?" Will asked while looking down, showing he was kinda disappointed in the fact Mike didn't wanna rewatch his favorite movies with him. Mike thought for a few seconds, and then got an really stupid idea but in his opinion he found it an great idea. He smirked, then looked at the kitchen and then looked back at Will. "There's beer in the fridge?" Mike recommended with an smirk on his face, and Will froze a bit. No way Mike just recommended him to drink beer. Mike was only 17 and Will was only 16!? "No! No, no way!!" Will refused but Mike kept trying to convince him to do it. "Come on! You don't have to drink a whole bottle! Just a few sips!!" Mike said while holding Will's hands, basically begging him to do it now.

Will thought for a few seconds, and then finally decided to agree on the idea and do it. "You know what? Fine, but if anyone finds out i'm blaming you." Will said, making an deal with Mike.



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