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Everyone in the United States was either in panic or confusion. Hours ago a big bright flash had blinded everyone in the country including those from Alaska and Hawaii. By the time people had gotten back their senses, there was many notable changes.

One of the big ones being the borders. Or what used to be a border. The countries of Mexico and Canada was nowhere to be seen and was replaced with a deep dark ocean. Those that were near the border reported that everything just disappeared once they were able to see again.

There was no noise or any sudden vibration of movement. Something like this should have been impossible but it had happened and no one could explain it.

Further inland resident were sitting outside their homes talking to neighbors and stocking up on items in case something bad had happened.

Areas that still had access to the internet was swarmed by people and many waited for the Whitehouse to speak about the situation.

But they too didn't know what had happened. The Pentagon was working overtime trying to establish martial law in the country and figure out what had happened. The widespread panic had become so bad in some states that governor's had declared a state of emergency causing the national guard to be deployed throughout different states.

This had mostly calmed down people but everyone was waiting for the president or anyone to tell them what happened. The more they waited, the more questions that they started to ask themselves.

Was the world coming to an end? Was they at war? Has an unknown weapon been unleashed on them? These were some of the many questions and theories that people were coming up with but what they all could really do was wait and watch this crisis unfold before their very eyes.


Currently in the Whitehouse the president was speaking to his military advisor on what was going on. Exactly after the flash had went away all military bases had begun relaying information to Washington and the president was hoping that had found something out.

"Have they figured out what happened?" The president says to his advisor.

He was wearing his military uniform with the rank of general and the many ribbons he had was decorated on his uniform.

"We're not entirely sure at the moment. All communication with every country and embassy is gone. Both Mexico and Canada have also just disappeared."

"We're still trying to use our satellites to figure out if any other countries look like they're in the same situation as us but all of our observation satellites have gone offline."

"This isn't good at all. The public may not take this very well." The president says thinking to himself.

"Anything else?"

"Yes but these news are...unnatural. For some unexplained reason all of our military assets have arrived back at port or some random base in the country."

"We still have information coming in as we speak and almost every problem coming up can be fix. But it will take time." The advisor says.

He than sighs as he touches his head confused and tired. He too was working overtime trying to get everything together and it was taking a toll on him. This was already the biggest crisis in American history and it's barely even started.

"It just doesn't make any sense. How can something like this even happen?" The advisor says confused.

"That's what we all want to know but I'm sure our answers will appear. There's a possibility that we will never know but we will move on from this."

"But in the meantime have multiple task forces patrolling around the entire country and on a lookout. For now we will deal with our personal affairs before looking outwards."

"It seems we'll have to be purely dependent on ourselves. Trade will no longer be an option for us anymore with the silence of our trading partners."

Getting up from his desk the president hurriedly picks documents off of his desk and put them in a case. He had to meet with the Senate and he honestly was looking forward to this.

"Even with the little information we have. We have to publicly speak about the events we know so far.

"Many will still panic because of this. There's even a chance it will spark more unrest." The advisor says worried.

"It may not be the best option. But it's a start in gaining their trust in us to resolve this situation."

The two then leaves the office as the entire country waits for what will happen next as some light will be finally revealed to everyone. And it would be something that no one was expecting to happen.

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